Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Timing Your Attack and Wave 9 units

This is the release of version 0.9 ! Many improvements in this new version, with added units, better rule implementation, small interface improvements and a few bug corrections.

Timing Your Attack:
The 0.9 release of Squadron Benchmark follows the timing updates in the most recent FAQ concerning multiple attacks, and more generally, all additional attacks are better handled. Gunner and Luke extra attack forbid additional attacks the same turn, you can choose your weapon and the targets depending on the extra attack (multiple cannons with IG-88B for instance), ...

The messy case of Valen Rudor attacking with Cluster Missiles against Dengar equipped with Gunner and R5-P8 works as expected. Similarly, a Twin Laser Turret  with a Gunner and Tactician works also. Feel free to experiment with the new 'Quickdraw' unit, that gains an extra attack when loosing a shield. 

New Wave 9 units, and more:
All wave 9 units are now implemented:
Select the new action
  • Norra Wexley, Shara Bey, Thane Kyrel, Braylen Stramm, Fenn Rau, Kad Solus, Old Teroch, Sabine Wren, Asajj Ventress, Ketsu Onyo, Quickdraw, Backdraft. 
Select one of the orientation

The following upgrades are also implemented:
  • Gyroscopic targeting, black market slicer tools, IG-88D, Ketsu Onyo, Latts Razzi, Fearlessness, Concord Dawn Protector, Alliance Overhaul, Vectored Thrusters, Tail Gunner, R3 Astromech, Sensor Cluster, Special Ops Training, Colliding Detector, Seismic Torpedo. 
Only the Rigged Cargo Chute is not working yet. You can experiment with the new rotating arc of the Lancer-class Pursuit craft, and try its pilots and dedicated upgrades.

Finally, the Emperor Palpatine is implemented ! It triggers a small window, allowing you to choose to modify a die of the Emperor team.  In a combat, the "Crew" icon triggers the Emperor effect.

Filtering units in squad creation 

When creating a new squad, with roughly 210 ships and 210 upgrades to choose from, this can be a bit difficult to find the right unit. The filter allows to select units (pilots) with selected upgrade icons, with selected actions, and with selected maneuvers. Upgrades and actions correspond to what appears on the pilot card, only pilots with the selected icons are selected. Pilots that could use modification upgrades adding extra actions, or extra upgrade slots are not taken into account.
For maneuvers, this is only a half dial (right maneuvers are not shown). Select for instance a 3 hard turn and you will see only units that have this maneuver (whatever the color).
By selecting multiple maneuvers, you can actually define the dial of the units in your squad, or just compare the dial of different units.

A few bug corrections
Collisions with asteroids, Jek Porkins, Electronic Baffle, Agent Kallus, C-3PO have been corrected. A few timing issues related to multiple attacks have also been corrected, and some action timing has been made clearer (I hope !).

Top10 list and battle log
The Top10 list has been updated with more recent squad lists, and the battle log now consults the large database of battles played inside Squadron Benchmark and shows the first 100 battles concerning any given squad.
Edit: Battle log  links are now working again, you can watch other battles in battlelog

Enjoy ! 
As usual, feel free to submit bugs, suggestions and comments below, and if you appreciate the app, you can also Donate (top right menu) !


  1. Thank-you for this app and the constant update. :)
    I use this app to practice with myself very often.
    I couldn't select the upgrades on the Shadowcaster (possibly because it lacks graphic). Here's a picture of the problem:

    1. Yes, I forgot to upload the images. Done and thanks !

  2. Bug #2: No matter what move (green, white, red) Kad Solus does, 2 focuses are granted. Correction: Kad Solus should gain 2 focuses on red maneuvers only.

    1. Indeed, there was no check ! Now corrected. Thanks!

  3. Bug #3: Mobile Arc Rotation doesn't always work; I tried changing the arc every round. The arc only rotates maybe the first 2 times. Most of the time it doesn't and it's stuck in one position.
    For testing, I recommend using Guri (has boast and barrel roll and 1 turns) as prey to go around Ketsu's Lancer while attempting to move her arc around.

    1. Corrected, there was some "last minute correction" bug...For debugging, I also use the weapon button displaying the firing arcs (primary and mobile). Cheers !

  4. 1 - Dengar doesn't get to shoot back at someone that shoots at him in his arc.

    2 - Secondary weapons like HLC and Mangler cannon don't get to shoot now at all and it prevents anyone else from shooting once the ship with the secondary weapon is activated. You have to hit the NEXT button to skip the rest of combat.

    1. 1- For Dengar, it's only once per round, and if you have given Dengar a Gunner (or Luke), activating the Gunner removes the additional retaliation attack. Just to say that sometimes I had the feeling it was not working but it was normal :-) Now, what are your squads ?
      2- Hmm, strange, I've tried it again but it seems to work for me, I can fire HLC normally. Reloading the page, flushing the cache may help here. Tell me if it does not improve things...

    2. I have my browser cache set to clear on exit so this is not the case. Dengar never gets to shoot back. No gunner or anything on Dengar. It was Dengar with adaptability, k4, r5p8, punishing one and Boba with vi, autoblaster, engine upgrade against computer running brobots.

      As for the secondary weapons, I have a squad with Ten Numb in it and he gets no choice to select mangler or primary. It just stops there and doesn't allow any attacks. Hitting next lets you go to planning but next round again no shooting.

    3. Ok, for Dengar, I found a different bug: when Dengar was shot multiple times in a row (with IG-88B for instance), it triggered multiple times the Dengar effect. When applied a second time, it hanged. This is corrected now, maybe it corrected your bug ?

      For secondary weapons, I tried Ten Numb with Mangler Cannon, but it works, I cannot reproduce your bug. What is your squad ? Was it played by you or the AI ? Thanks !

    4. Tried running Boba Dengar against brobots and the second brobot couldn't shoot after dengar did his shot back on the first one who shot at him but he was able to shoot.

      My squad was played by me.

      Ten Numb + vi + mangler + bwinge2 + c3p0 + fcs
      Wes + vi + r3a2 + integrated Astromech
      Biggs + r4d6 + integrated astromech.

      Ten shoots first and can't since he can't select weapon. Clicking on the also ps10 wes does nothing. Seems to be mangler cannon on ten that is the issue. Browser is firefox on Linux Mint.

    5. Looks like the offending ship that causes no shooting is Biggs and it isn't the mangler cannon after all. Had to run each of them individually till I found it.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Kanaan breaks it too. Seems any pilot with abilities that affect opposing players may be the cause?

      So far Biggs who forces opponent to target him and Kanaan who can spend focus tokens to reduce attack dice of opponent cause this.

    8. Biggs is corrected, I forgot to update a function it uses. Cheers !

    9. Worked ok except against top 10 brobot list. Once my Ten and Wes shoot and it is the brobots turn, they don't shoot back and you have to skip to next round.

  5. Just to clarify the secondary weapons issue - you aren't given a choice of cannon or primary and no ships can shoot.

  6. If Dash lands on an asteroid, he doesn't get to perform actions at all now. Before he got to performa actions but didn't get to shoot. With this update his pilot ability is totally ignored.

    1. Yes, it seems I have difficulty to correct Dash. With each release, I miss something. I'll have to read again the card a couple of times before trying to "correct" it ! Next correction may be the right one...

    2. Hmm, I've tested it and Dash can perform actions on asteroids, or barrel roll and land on asteroids, but cannot shoot in this case. It seems to work for me, I cannot remember to have made a correction though. Still a bug ?

  7. This is the 3rd time I've posted this over multiple versions....kihraxz fighter still has 3 turns as options. The Kihraxz fighter DOES NOT have 3 turn on the maneuver dial.

    I'd like to try to help you out but I can't find the source of the app anywhere.

    1. Ah, sorry for having missed your previous reports, usually I tend to correct quickly easy-to-correct errors. This time, done !
      For the source, it's on github, benchmark squadron.
      Cheers !

  8. Bug #4: I think you forgot to include/implement the Shadow Caster Title (After you perform an attack that hits, if the defender is inside your mobile firing arc at Range 1-2, you may assign the defender 1 tractor beam token.) and its effect. :)
    Thanks for the quick responses! I am in Ontario myself.

  9. Fantastic work! I'm excited to use this new update.

    Bug report:
    1. Firespray sometimes allows target selection but does not always allow firing. It seems to fire from rear arc only when there is a single valid target and primary arc most of the time but not always.
    2. Target Lock rerolls are not showing re-rolled dice (unless it simply does not display blank results).
    3. Glitterstim is not unusable after the first use (it should be one-time only).
    4. 4-LOM crew may not be working correctly (selection of token did not occur).

    1. Bug report: Zeta Specialist (TIE/SF) is behaving as if it were unique in the list builder portion.

    2. Bug report: Targeting with Norra Wexley terminates the combat phase.

    3. Bug report:
      1. Backdraft (TIE/SF) was allowed to trigger her special ability when firing from the primary arc.
      2. Jan Ors (crew) ability was still available after her ship was destroyed.
      3. Triggering Backdraft's special ability after being destroyed ended the combat phase prematurely.

    4. Bug report:
      Shara Bey + R7-T1 + Weapons Engineer may not complete correctly: when R7-T1 grants a target lock, Weapons Engineer should give a second lock on a different ship.

    5. Thanks for this fast bug report(s) ! Here some answers:
      1. (Firespray): could not reproduce the bug, but Emperor was bugging probably the rest
      2. Emperor bug, corrected
      3. Glitterstim: couldn't reproduce the bug. Actually, it does not turn grey immediately but if you click on the unit at the end of combats, it shows it's desactivated. Or was it a real multiple turn use ?
      4. there is an automatic selection: focus token is desactivated if the unit can use focus and there are focus dice, otherwise evade token is desactivated.
      Zeta specialist: corrected
      Norra: Tail gunner was bugged, corrected.
      Cheers !

    6. Thanks for your excellent and quick corrections!

    7. Bug report:
      1. Firing order of ships with the same pilot skill could not be selected. Although it appears that "active ship" has been changed, the original ship (selected by the app) will still perform the attack.
      2. Palpatine's ability was still available after his ship was destroyed. (This bug was also mentioned by someone else.)

    8. 1. Indeed, it's a behavior to change. Not yet done though.
      2. Done, all upgrades that affect many units are now no longer active when their support unit is dead.

  10. Bug #5: I applied black market slicer tool on an imperial ship. Then Palpatine pop up appears and asks if I want to change the result to protect the imperial ship. Correction: I believe Palpatine cannot change the BMST die result since it's the attacker that rolls the die.

    1. I forgot to include that I was playing a scum list against a palp aces build.

  11. Bug #6: I think re-roll (both effect of TL and Dengar crew) is not working completely. Let say I attack with four dice with TL and Dengar option available to me. I get 2 hits and 2 blanks. The moment I select Dengar crew, I get only two dice hits not for ex. 3 hits 1 blank or 2 hits 2 blanks or 3 hits 1 focus etc. Hopefully you get my drift. Cheers :)

    1. I think TL is broken too. It seems to take away the blank results leaving only the hits but never rolls another hit or focus. Tried this with brobots.

    2. Yes, it was an Emperor bug. Corrected ! Cheers

  12. All of the Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft pilots are listed as having EPTs, when Sabine and Shadowport Hunter shouldn't.

    Hope this helps. I love the app!

  13. The dial is wrong on the protectorate fights its missing the 5 straight

  14. Lower points team is automatically given initiative. That team should have a choice. Often arc-dodgers use an initiative bid to give away initiative for better positioning.

    1. Yes indeed. There is no selection so far. To be corrected.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Computer Dengar with Lone Wolf locks up combat after using his Lone Wolf ability. Not sure if it also happens on human-controlled ship or if it happens with ships other than Dengar. Might be related to above-mentioned target-lock problem. possible all rerolls soft-lock combat sequence.

    1. The Emperor effect triggers for each roll/reroll of his squad. Thus the bugged emperor had a large impact! There was an emperor in one of the squads ? This may have disappeared with the correction. Tell me if not.

    2. There was an Emperor in the defending squad, yes.

  17. Ships will be completely reordered regardless of the initial position during the activation phase and makes play impossible. This has been replicated and occurs identically each time. 3 ships facing in the same direction will be shifted into various different places causing bumps.

    1. Hmm, not sure to get it. Can you make this happen, move to the next turn and then press "Back". Then post here the URL of the page. I should be able to reproduce (hopefully) the bug. Thanks !

  18. Electronic Baffle still doesn't work properly. Executing a Red maneuver gives you the "!" prompt to take a damage and remove a stress .. but then no opportunity to take an action, immediately switching to the next ship.

    1. This time, this sould be better. Now it's also possible to apply in sequence PTL and Experimental interface.

  19. Bug #7: I couldn't select upgrades on the T-70 (Poe PS9 HoR version); it lacks graphic.

  20. Firstly, great stuff. Appreciate all the effort. Only one bug I noticed when I play is that when I choose Stealth Device with Tie Defender (Vessery), the default green dice is 5 instead of 4 even at Range 1 and 2.

  21. Excellent! Well Done! first time playing thought I'd share 2 bugs found whilst testing:
    #1 Docked Phantom requires a movement dial in 2nd phase... no skip option.
    #2 Emperor's ability remains even after the shuttle has been destroyed

  22. C3P0 seems to activate and ask for guesses when the ship that has him as a crew is attacking.

    1. More info on this. It seems this happens when shooting at Dengar or a ship with Dengar as crew. As soon as you shoot, it pops up the C3P0 choices.

  23. The Shadowcaster title doesn't work properly. It always applies the Tractor Beam token even if the attack misses. It should only work if the attack hits.

    Thanks for the brilliant app

  24. ARC 170 should have 1 banks and not 1 turns.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. With Wes Janson on the first few turns where there is no shooting, clicking "Skip" for the combat phase attack does nothing and won't proceed to next pilot. You have to click "Next" to go to Planning phase. Once he shoots it is fine after that. Doesn't seem to matter what other ships he is with and also happens when he has no upgrades on him.

  27. Suggestion #1: Can you let the player decides when Bossk (ship) will turn the crit into 2 hits? Depending on the scenario, sometimes it's much preferred to have the crit than 2 hits.

  28. Suggestion #2: Can you also display the dice change (from TL and Dengar) in the console?
    For example:
    Let say I rolled hit hit focus blank. I TL-ed and get hit hit hit focus. Then the console will say "focus > hit, blank > focus".

    So we know the TL actually works (and also it's our bad luck). Because I had "HHFF" or "HHF" turns into "HHFF" and "HHF" like 3 times in one game.

    1. Rerolls are now shown in the console. Cheers!

    2. Hi Dennis, rerolls from TL and Dengar are currently not being shown in the console.

      I only see Emperor and Autothrusters dice change being shown in console.

      Good job on Sabine's Masterpiece! It's glorious. Thank-you!

  29. Bug report:
    1. Dengar's "revenge" ability occasionally seems to be able to trigger even on enemies outside of his primary arc (see round 3 in this combat).
    2. Manaroo was able to fire while on an asteroid (see round 5 in this combat).

    1. Bug report:
      Sometimes combat doesn't end when all ships on one side have been destroyed.

  30. I appear to have found a bug. Ion tokens do not clear when you run into a ship. Have a couple ships in a test game that keep running into eachother and never clearing ion, even though all of the ion causing ships have been off the table.


    1. Bug: Replay freezes when a phantom is launched out of a ghost

    2. Bug: Palpatine on opposing CPU controlled player asked me if I wanted to palp their overlapping a rock

    3. Bug: CPU controlled ships still take actions after running into human controlled ships

    4. Bug: ships that end their moves in the same position they were will ignore rocks when determining if they can shoot.

    5. Yes, I forgot a correction in AI. Corrected !

  31. Awesome job!

    Here is some bug reports

    * Sabine crew did not trigger with conner net.
    * Intelligence agent is not working vs AI.
    * When attacking with Auto-blaster turret and spending a target lock, I could not reroll my crit result. Best would be if you could choose which results to re-roll.

    1. Thanks !
      * For Sabine, indeed, Sabine was never applying its effect (for all bombs). Corrected.
      * For Intelligence agent, it seems to work for me: at the beginning of the activation phase, the maneuver is shown on the unit (small!). Now it is also displayed in the console
      * For autoblaster, I'm don't know how to make an efficient user interface to select the dice to roll (without clicking many times). This can be done automatically too. Nothing changed so far..

  32. Bug:

    BMST should remove a stress ONLY if it does damage. Currently the game removes the stress, then rolls for damage


  33. Bug #9: Greedo only works the first time.
    Example: Round 1: I shoot with greedo and gets 1 hit on tie; tie rolled blank. Tie takes a critical damage with damage card faceup. Round 2 and subsequent rounds: I shoot with greedo and gets 1 hit on tie; tie rolled blank. Tie takes a normal damage and no damage card was flipped :(.

    1. Corrected Greedo. Corrected also a general bug for the timing of effects such as Greedo with Major Hull Breach, discovered by chance. Thanks !

  34. bench.min.js:148 Uncaught TypeError: this.candoaction is not a function
    this prevents the AI ever to do something recently

    1. Corrected (same bug as following comments :-) )

  35. Bug: After the shuttle with Palpatine moves, the next ships never activate.

  36. AI ships are currently locking up the program when they try to choose an action.

    1. I was wondering what was happening today...

    2. Yes, sorry for this bug, I forgot to change something in the AI script. Corrected !

  37. Bug #10: I notice the new keyboard bindings involve the ctrl key a lot which is used in browser commands a lot. For example, whenever I try to remove a shield with ctrl-d, chrome browser will add this site as a bookmark. Correction: use other keys for bindings? or go back to old system.

    Thanks Dennis!

    1. You're right, I missed this interaction with the browser. I cannot keep the old system anymore because I've added in the console a text input where you can type some comments. At some point, after some additional dev, I hope this will be useful to comment games, to show bugs :-) or to write scenario.
      alt would be a safe alternative to ctrl ?

    2. Keyboard commands does not work at all now

    3. Ok, I've replaced ctrl with alt. Look at the menu on the top right for the new shortcuts.

  38. If I win against the AI the title of the score window says Draw. Wes is still causing some weird no shooting until he shoots first. Biggs seems to not be able to shoot at Dengar.

    1. Just a quick answer for the score: You can change victory conditions (in setup). I forgot to define a valid initial value. Corrected.

  39. Kenkirk ignored Biggs pilot ability several times in this matchup:

    1. By the way, I cannot load the this rebel squad correctly. It is saved in the squad window as it should, but when I choose to load it using button (1) or (2), it complains about: Thermal Detonators UPGRADE not listed: Bomb in Keyan Farlander

      (I have Sabine equipped to Keyan so it should work)

    2. For Sabine, you need first a B/Wing E2 ! :-)

    3. I messed up regarding Biggs ability. I forgot you need to be within range 1 from friendly ship. Sorry, ignore the original bug report.

      Regarding Thermal Detonators + B/Wing E2 + Sabine. The issue still there. I can import the squad using XWS format, but not using text only, or, load the already saved squad by using the (1) and (2) buttons.

    4. Its an issue with any bombs I choose. My guess would be that this is a timing issue. The app tries to apply the bombs before it has given the appropriate slots for E2 and Sabine.

    5. Found it, there was a 's' missing at the end of Thermal Detonators, in English (but not in the files of the other languages).

    6. Ok good that you found that bug, but it is still an issue :)

      Copy this XWS format squad into the text field:
      {"description":"","faction":"rebel","name":"New Squadron","pilots":[{"name":"bluesquadronpilot","points":27,"ship":"bwing","upgrades":{"crew":["sabinewren"],"bomb":["ionbombs"],"mod":["bwinge2"]}}],"points":27,"vendor":{"yasb":{"builder":"(Yet Another) X-Wing Miniatures Squad Builder","builder_url":"","link":"!s!44:-1,-1,-1,-1:-1:11:U.166,U.137&sn=New%20Squadron"}},"version":"0.3.0"}

      Everything is OK here.

      Now copy this squad of "free text" into the text field:
      Blue Squadron Pilot + Sabine Wren + Ion Bombs + B-Wing/E2

      Now the bombs disappears and the console prints:
      Ion Bombs UPGRADE not listed: Bomb in Blue Squadron Pilot

    7. Yes, I know what it is. The description is read left to right, and for each upgrade, it checks if it's valid or not. So Sabine is not valid because there's no crew in a B-Wing. The B-Wing/E2 should appear before Sabine, who should appear before the Ion Bombs (ok here).
      It will probably work if you write it that way:

      Blue Squadron Pilot + B-Wing/E2 + Sabine Wren + Ion Bombs

      I will not make a correction for this very soon.

    8. Ok thanks, that helped. Now the squad is saved in correct order and I can load it without trouble.

      Great job with this app

  40. Ships no longer animate along the movement but snap into place. Trace paths only shows boosts/barrel rolls. As soon as all ships have a maneuver entered it progresses to activation and immediately to combat after all have moved. This prevents movement from being changed during planning phase if you enter all ships quickly. Also prevents you from seeing what path the AI takes since it quickly snaps from place to place.

    When attacking AI, you no longer see their green die results. It also seems like it is completely not displaying the AI attack. Saw no results unless I could change the roll (focus a die) and health on ships just went down as if an attack took place.

    1. Yes, it's a mode used when replaying from the start a combat (going back to a previous round works like that). I forced it to make some tests. Now it's back as normal :-)

  41. Played 4 games under the new update - Not once did I get a chance to modify any of the defenders dice - no green dice showed at all. Defenders at times had focus and evade tokens additionally I had a ship with autothrusters being hit by turrets out of arc without the opportunity to modify defenders dice.

    1. I don't know how to reproduce this situation. Can you post your squads please ?

  42. Dengar keeps using countermeasures every round and it is a one-time use card.

    1. Countermeasure is desactivated after its first use, when I use it, but the replay (or history) does not log desactivation information...So if you go back one turn, you will see indeed countermeasure active again. Not sure it was your bug though. This is the case where the replay does not help :-) Not yet fixed.

    2. I'm not looking at the replay or the console. He keeps removing target locks every round and increasing his agility. If you look at the replay you can see how many dice he is rolling every round. He also shoots back at ships behind him that shoot at him. He should only shoot back if they are in his arc. Just playing against the first top 10 dengaroo squad and it is happening again so it happens every time. My squad is wes, biggs and lothal.

  43. MOV seems to do some interesting things. When a list is completely destroyed, it still treats the list as "points destroyed" rather than the full 100 pts you get for destroying a list. This makes for some fun scoreboards where I destroy my opponents entire list, which is made from a lone Z-95, and get an mov of 112, even though I lost nothing. In this instance I should receive an MOV of 200

    1. Indeed, this should be better now, you will have the 100pts when you destroy completely the opponent. Cheers !

  44. Bug report:
    Omega Specialist (TIE/sf) does not allow full selection of upgrades (possibly due to image size).
    TIE/sf title incorrectly allows second shot from both arcs.
    TIE/D title incorrectly allows second shot from cannon as well as primary.
    Torkil Mux may not select a ship for pilot skill 0 when there's only one enemy left.

    1. Thanks for the bug report !
      For Omega specialist, added an image
      For TIE/D and TIE/sf, there was a display problem. The function showing the attack was forgetting the weapon restrictions, target restrictions. Corrected.

      For Torkil Mux, I'm not sure to understand what you mean. There's only one enemy left, you'd like to have the message removed from the console ? (the one saying that you have to select a unit) The unit is automatically selected in this case. It's possible for Torkil to not select a unit ?

  45. * Intelligence agent console output maneuver and actual enemy maneuver differs almost every time.

    * According to the rules, if a ship is hit by a conner net before it has had the chance to move, the ion effect (1 straight move) will not be executed this round but the next planning phase. This activation phase the ship will do its planned maneuver instead.

    1. * The agent was showing your dial on the enemy ship! What a traitor ! Corrected
      * corrected

    2. Yeah I knew I shouldn't have hired her in the first place. She acted awfully suspicious. I am glad you could turn her to the light side again. :)

    3. Now the Conner net does not do anything when detonating (when dropped directly on target, at least).

    4. Bug Report

      Conner Net doesn't work.

  46. It would be really sweet if one could be able to resize the console, at least to make it higher

  47. I noticed 2 bugs playing against Dengar.

    1) Once he used counter measures, his agility was 3 for the rest of the game.

    2) His ability says he can attack someone ONLY if they are in his primary firing arc. I kept having dengar use his second attack when his primary arc was no where near my ship.

    1. It seems to be not discarding countermeasures when Dengar uses it. Because I lose my target locks every turn.

  48. 4-LOM does not seem to be working. Ships still get to use the token I designate.

    1. Corrected! The timing for 4-LOM (crew) was not correct (during the defense step instead of attack step). Now you have a red button with a focus and/or evade, appearing only if the opponent has a focus / evade. It does not change the red dice rolls but prevents the opponent from using its token. Added a message in console.

  49. Ion tokens on large ships should be kept if it only has one. Discard all Ion tokens when large ships have 2 or more.

    Glitterstim seems to be used on the first turn even if nobody is close to in range.

    Overclocked R4: Asks you to add focus for stress twice. Also allows when spending on defense, should only activate when using on offense.

    1. You are able to use OCR whenever you spend a focus token. This includes on defense

    2. For Ion tokens, corrected!
      For Glitterstim, well, it's not really a bug, the AI doesn't know how to use it but it's still correct. :-)
      For OCR, as Mark said, it's possible to use it in defense. Cheers!

  50. Dengar now doesn't attack back due to his ability at all. If he has the other ship in arc and it shoots at him, he doesn't get a chance to shoot back.

    1. What are your Dengar's upgrades ? On the examples I've tried (including the Top10 one), it seems to work for me. It probably comes from a particular upgrade.

    2. Adaptability, K4, R5p8 and punishing one title
      . could be related to r5p8

    3. Ok, thanks! The firing button was just...not showing. Corrected.

  51. Bug reports:
    Display of active/destroyed units is incorrect.
    Units moved by Tractor Beam onto asteroids may still fire.

  52. For some reason, it appears large ships (Jumpmasters) don't always have the opportunity to barrel roll even when they should.

  53. Hi, thank you again for all you do! I'm having an issue were my ships can't boost or barrel roll. Slam is still working. Thank you again!

  54. I'm finding problems with Kanan Jarrus not working on friendly ships. Rey is also allowing rerolls on Focus results, not just blanks.

  55. Tallon Rolls are usually ignoring the choice of placement. I've had it it work a few times, but most times it just takes the middle position no matter where i click.

    Kanan Jarrus crew does not work properly with debris. Debris is run over and the console says "ship has run over debris: no action" which is not correct. The game rules indicate that the debris gives stress during Check Stress and then Kanan can clear stress during Clean Up, and then the ship can choose an Action, and then damage is rolled for. This seems to be functioning out of order, and may be assuming that no ship can take an action if running over debris.

  56. Bug reports:
    It looks like Emperor Palpatine isn't triggering on his own ship.
    IG-88B crossing an asteroid does not forfeit its action. (Turn 7?)
    Palpatine does trigger after being destroyed (turn 8).

  57. Bug report:
    At round 6, it appears that combat ended prematurely.

  58. AI ships now lock up the planning phase so it doesn't work at all.

  59. Completely broken now. Can't create new squad. Can't pick maneuvers. Links to here and the other drop down menu items not present.

  60. Version at the top says 0.8.4 and only 191 of 194 upgrades implemented.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Hi, great app.
    i ve found one issue with Tractorbeamtoken after shadowcaster title.
    1. you have to BR or Boost but this is optinal
    2. you cannot br a ship of the map, but app forces you.
    3. Ships cannot fire after the forced movement.Only can skip phase with esc


  63. Couple bugs: heavy scyk doesn't add the upgrades axded (and of border the extra hull, but I'm assuming that's coming), mist hunter doesn't add barrel roll action.


  64. I am having troubles with two issues.
    1) The "new' button on the top right will take me to the create squad page, then click next (as normal) The squad isn't saved. I can create a squad using the 'next' button adjacent to the players smaller windows.

    2) Abilities are being left off. Using a created squad, on the battle-mat, one of the upgrades are left off. ie: A-wing- test pilot, predator, push the limit, refit, vectored thrusters. What every is listed last, that upgrade is deleted from the combat.

  65. Bug: Going to the "Licence" page from google leads to a random in-progress game. The most recent was

  66. New HoTR T-70 X-wings (except new Poe) do not have pictures when selected on the bench. This causes a formatting issue and the upgrade icons are unselectable. Happens for Jess, Snap, and Nien.

  67. Same issue with A-Wing Test Pilot. One of the EPTs does not stay on the ship.

  68. Found an issue with my OGP Palpshuttle with Collision Detector equipped, I flew over a debris and while it gave me the option to change the result from a crit because of Palp, it didn't ignore the crit result and I suffered a direct hit.

    Thanks for your hard work, it's a great aid for X-wing!

  69. Just found this site. Awesome way to get a feel for the movement of the ships. Is there a way to adjust the board size. Right now its possible to start combat in the first round without boosting. Im pretty sure thats not regulation size. Thanks

  70. Playing with Countess Ryad with PTL, Tie x7, and Twin Ion Engine Mk 2. After performing a maneuver and taking an action, even if i try to skip the PTL, I get a stress token everytime. Even with green or white maneuvers.

  71. Hey All,

    I've really enjoyed using your tool. Any chance that you all are going to get wave 11 imported?
