
  Welcome to Squadron Benchmark

This page is about web app based on the X-Wing Miniatures game from FFG. In this app you can playtest your squads, by playing both sides of the battle (there is no human or computer opponent). The computer helps you by taking into account the rules automatically, moving the units around according to their maneuvers and actions, detecting collisions, and rolling dices for combat. The objective is to be able to play quickly and try new combination, new ships before buying them, design new strategies and explore new ideas.

Benchmark a squadron
The app is still in beta stage, meaning there are plenty of bugs and limitations. All rules of the game have not yet been implemented,  but I think it can be useful anyway. You go to the app with the "Benchmark a squadron" menu or click on the left image.
Use the one-line help to start, or press on all buttons/units. If you are new to the game, it's better to start from the online manual of the game.
Feel free to give comments on how to improve it, report bugs, or just encouragements :-) The app has been tested with success on Safari, Firefox and Opera. It may not be functional on IE10 (not tested). This has been tested on Ipad and Android phones. Due to the amount of information presented for the combat, it is better to use the app on  a large screen device (at least like an ipad mini).


  1. This app is awesome ... keep going ! I was waiting for something like this you are doing a great job
    Even with the bugs, i played 8 hours straight and enjoyed !

  2. Hi, first of all my compliments for this great work. I would like to help you to testing the webapp. I'm a player of Italian league. My first suggest is for the comment area. In the "comment as", add the facebook choise, many player live there.
    I already translated for our Italian comunity Fab Squadron Builder, and if you want I would like to translate this App in Italian. You may contact me by a private message on FB, my name is Furio Caimano.

    1. Thanks! Your help is indeed very appreciated ! For the comments, it's done. For the translation, I'm using the same data as Fab Squadron Builder indeed, but there is not yet a support in my app for other languages. I'll contact you as soon as it's done (I'll add French support too :) )

  3. Love the app! Not sure where bug reports go so I will simply throw this here. Corran's ability does not work properly. It sometimes allows him to attack in the end step sometimes not. It also sometimes prevents him from attacking even if he did not double tap the turn before. Also, focus and target lock together do not work properly as you cannot reroll just the blanks. Also, wedges pilot ability should not be able to lower agility below 0 (eg: firing on a decimator through a rock, the decimator should still get a defense die.) Lastly, rear admiral chiraneau's ability should turn a focus to a crit, not a hit to a crit. Thanks again for making this great app!

    1. Thanks ! For the decimator and Wedge, it is corrected. For the interaction between focus and lock, I made the following correction: whenever you have a focus and can use it, the focus die are not rerolled. Otherwise they are. With Han, this should not work like that, but it's a quick fix.
      For corran, I'll test it in order to track the bug.
      Cheers !

  4. I have noticed that sometimes Chiraneau's modify ability will cause him to roll 12+ attack dice worth of hits. Great app though, very helpful with new builds!

  5. Great job man! Just stumbled onto this the other day. Is there a way to move the notification box during squad build? Im am trying this on my laptop and on my ipad and I have difficulty making builds with mutiple upgrades as the box gets in the way and I cant seem to move it out of the way to select the upgrades for the 3rd ship.

    1. Thanks ! On the laptop, the console box should be movable (move title bar). On the ipad, there is an issue indeed. Now that I have an ipad too, I'll try to fix this by the end of the month :-)
      Cheers !

  6. This is Excellent! very intuitive, i like it a lot. I would really like to someday be able to use this in multiplayer form, for more than just testing!

    Something i noticed: Ten Numb's Crits aren't sticking like they should, as in, his ability isn't represented in the simulator yet.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks ! For the multiplayer game, I do not plan to make it due without explicit authorization from FFG (I've asked them, I do not expect any answer so far). The web app so far is just a complement of the real game, if I turn it into a multiplayer game, using X-Wing miniatures rules, it could be seen as a competitor the real game.
      For Ten Numb, thanks for the bug report, I'll check this as soon as I have access to a real computer, by the end of the month.
      Cheers !

    2. Oh I can understand that. Its much better on the table anyway. But thanks again, Its still a great tool...I seem to be loosing a lot of time to this thing...

  7. Superb! This is amazing. I love it.

    Just wanted to post a bug: When using Daredevil, if you decide not to use it and use another action, the green shaded areas stay drawn on the board the rest of the game. Also, the phantom cloaking action can give you unlimited agility.

    Was wondering if you are planning on making an offline version similar to the early x-wing maneuvers workbench

    1. Thanks !
      For Daredevil, the issues comes from the fact that you cannot cancel an action, once it's activated (in the app). I'll correct this, at least partially, in the following version.
      For the offline version, indeed, this is a good idea to keep an offline version. I plan to add more online features, but it should be possible to play both ways. I'll think about this in future version.
      Cheers !

  8. Awesome app! I love it! I noticed that the game stands still when the AI tries to assign a free action from the Lando Pilot ability, Thanks again for the hard work!

    1. Thanks ! I corrected the bug, thanks for the report !

  9. Awesome app, but I seem to be having a unique problem. when a player is making an attack, it does all the dice rolls and then just gets stuck. No button to fire, no other units get to shoot that turn. any idea what's going on? this is happening in both chrome and edge.

    1. Sorry for the very late reply, I hope you can test it now again :-)

  10. in a previous version, R4 agromech worked properly, but now it is failing to acquire the target lock. Tested it a lot before Wave 7 with A4 and Ion Turrets, and it worked brilliantly. Have been playing with TLT and R4 and it didn't seem to be working, and just ran some tests with the old build, A4 and Ion, and it is not working.

    1. For R4 agromech, the app was handling it automatically: if you had already a target lock, no new targetlock was given. You can now choose or not to add a target lock.
      Cheers !

  11. I love the app, it has been great practice, however, it seems that I keep running into an issue where the AI and I are both unable to make any attacks with any of our ships, despite having range and arc. I do seem to have the problem more often with turreted ships.

    1. It's a late reply, so maybe the bug does no appear anymore. Anyway, feel free to report it (with your squads) so I can correct it. Cheers !

  12. Doesn't work at all in my computer :-(

    Where could I send you a screenshot of what I can see?

    1. You can send it on my email address (deniswings@free.fr). Sorry for the late reply anyway !
      Cheers !

    2. Just as a second thought, Sergio, you need a recent browser. It doesn't work at all on "old" browser, or browsers not up to date (such as PS3 browser...). Chrome, Firefox or latest IE are a safe bet. The app uses heavily HTML5 and CSS3.

  13. Great work with this!

    A small bug report: When dropping a proton bomb with "Genius" after you have moved seems to work as an action instead of being separate from an action (it does not work when bumping, performing red maneuvers and it does not allow you an action etc. which is clearly wrong).

    1. Thanks! Indeed, it was an action. Now corrected.

  14. IT's great to see how this app is getting better and better. Maybe it will overthrow Vassal one day, who knows :). One thing though, Juke is still not applied, even though it was not mentioned as to be introduced.

  15. Great app. Spent half a day (today alone). One bug I noticed. When Omega Leader has a TL on another ship, he cannot attack that ship. The attack button is missing.

    1. To follow up. Targeted ship is also unable to fire on "OL". No attack button.

    2. Thanks for the report! Omega leader should better work now, bug corrected (hopefully)

    3. Played a game with Omega Leader and no problems. Cheers for that. Unfortunately found another TL issue. When Redline chooses TL as action, she is not able to attack afterwards. Game "freezes".

    4. Found the bug and corrected it. Actually, all modifiers rerolling dice were affected potentially. Thanks for this report ! In my tests, the game never hanged though, maybe you have another bug...

  16. Hi, first I have to say what an incredible thing you have built here. It's amazing! It must have taken forever! I love it and all my friends and I use it to help us get better at x-wing.

    I have noticed a few bugs though so I thought I'd better point them out. They mostly seem to be regarding target lock abilities?

    Drea Renthal: When she fires a torpedo the app just sort of skips the rest of the combat phase and the yellow line indicating her fire remains and doesn't disappear. Team is:

    Kavil + Veteran Instincts + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Engine Upgrade
    Drea Renthal + Dorsal Turret + Proton Torpedoes + Extra Munitions + R4-B11 + Guidance Chips
    4-LOM + Stay On Target + Outlaw Tech + Advanced Sensors + Inertial Dampeners + Mist Hunter

    Also if I shoot at Tarn Mison it doesn't let him defend and skips the rest of combat as well. There seem to be a lot of instances like this almost all of them with target locks.

    I hope that's helpful to you. Again, from one developer to another, what you have done here is fantastic.

    1. Thanks for the comments and report !
      For Drea, the app is waiting for you to select either an enemy unit (for TL) or Drea (for cancelling Drea effect). Check the console, it's written inside and the units concerned have a faint "white" overlay.
      For Tarn, same pb: as the triggered ability is a "may" ability, you have to select either Tarn (to cancel) or another unit.
      Cheers !

  17. This is incredible! Bar far the best way to see if a list is even worth taking to local game night. Thanks for this work,

  18. I encountered 2 bugs tonight. 1) The tractor beam does not seem to give the ability to move small ships. 2) The TIE/D title is available but the game seems to not know how to deal with it. Otherwise... AWESOME!

    1. Thanks a lot ! For TIE/D, it's corrected. For tractor beam, I cannot reproduce the bug so far (it works on my tests).
      Cheers !

  19. When I choose this list: IG-88C + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire‑Control System + Autothrusters + IG-2000 + Crack Shot + Glitterstim
    IG-88B + Heavy Laser Cannon + Fire‑Control System + Autothrusters + IG-2000 + Crack Shot + Glitterstim
    The Fire Control System card DOES NOT SHOW on the list during gameplay, it's not there... but it is on the list before pressing next...
    Thanks again for a great sim, I will send a donation, it is SO worth it!

    1. Thanks Russ for your contribution ! This is much appreciated !
      Concerning Fire-control system, I copy pasted your list and apparently, the "-" used in your "Fire‑Control System" is not a minus sign (not the same character as in IG-88C or IG-2000). Not sure but if it's only this problem, rewrite the - and it will work. Cheers !

  20. I really like this program. I've been keeping tabs on your progress for some time and I've been very impressed with your progress. In the interest of helping you (not tearing you down) here are a few things I think would improve the usability of your program. If any of these exist and I didn't know how to use them, please let me know!

    1. I'd really like a back button so that I can fidget with my squad or change asteroids between battles without having to just pull the link up again. If I click back in my browser it just takes me to the 2nd player's asteroid selection.

    2. I'd really like a more clear display for multiple tokens of the same type. For the first few rounds, I thought Lando wasn't working but it turns out that you have to hover over your tokens to see how many you actually have. Maybe add addition symbols up to a certain number (say three) and then switch to x# beyond that to save space.

    3. Kanan's pilot ability: I either couldn't figure out how to use it or it is currently not functioning. You may be aware of this but I figured I'd toss it out there.

    4. Several times the computer completed illegal boosts ontop of my ships or through asteroids. Also there were a few instances were ships either mysteriously didn't attack or could only take the TL action and no evade for reasons I didn't understand. These may also be known bugs but I figured I'd throw them out there.

    Thanks so much for such a wonderful program. I look forward to monitoring your progress with great enthusiasm.

    1. Thanks a lot ! Just a very partial answer for 2.: Good idea ! Done.

  21. Absolutely loving this! I was playing against the computer (which I had loaded with 3 Jumpmasters, with tons of cards on each). When the first of the computer ships attacked, it just showed the red dice but didn't give me any option to roll green dice or anything. It just kind of froze there, where I could still click around, but I didn't see what to do next. Not sure if it's user error or a bug. Let me know! Thanks. :)

    1. When it freezes like this, usually it's a bug :-) If you have access to it, you can open the javascript console of your browser and post here the error message. Otherwise, you can try to continue the game by pressing ESC (moving to next phase). The bug will probably happen again, but you may be able to play still.
      Cheers !

  22. hi, I love this game, I have all the ships and I would like to learn to play more, but you can not get in Spanish ... and in a version for PC game software (.exe) .... is excellent, it is helpful for the original game, but could do so in spanish language, it is easier to enterder all cards ...

    1. Yes, I can put the translation for the cards, it will probably help. It don't have the translation for the criticals, and I don't know how to translate the user interface messages. If someone is willing to help... :-)
      Cheers !

    2. Done, at least for the translation of the cards !

  23. This is a GREAT APP! Really you have done amazing work, and I don't want this to appear as criticism but these dice seem to roll pretty heavily in the favor of the AI. :)

    1. I know i'm following up on my comment but seriously a Dash just rolled 13 evades in a row. Then rolled 3 hits. Wow. This is broken dude. Fix it. :)

    2. I'll carefully look at this, but the code uses the same routine for rolling dice for player and AI, no cheating here :-)
      Now the AI rolls dice, and then modifies its dice with focus, target roll, adds evade...You see only the final result. So what may appear as suspicious rolls may only be heavily modified rolls, according to the rules :-)
      Cheers !

  24. It says you have implemented all pilots except for Tomax Bren. However I'm not able to find Zeta Leader under the TIE Fighter/fo pilots. Is he hiding somewhere else?

    1. Indeed ! There was the image, the text and its translation of the Zeta leader, but the unit was missing. Added ! Thanks

  25. Nice work, awesome implementation.

  26. Fantastic work. One bug I noticed. IG88D Sloops - the console says to choose which type of sloop you want but there is nothing in the main display - I expect there should be two yellow boxes one for each sloop.

    1. It seems to work for me, so either I've corrected it, or the bug was related to an upgrade of the IG88D. Tell me if it occurs again.

  27. Bug I've noticed with the AI - Jumpmasters almost never fire their primary weapons when they should be able to. Love the program otherwise!

    1. Thanks Dan ! I've not been able to reproduce the bug though. What was the secondary weapon ?

  28. Excellent work. Notice a bug. Tie Defender with Stealth device retains agility of 4 even after getting hit and device disabled.

  29. The app is always improving! Your question about AI suggestions: First and foremost have a two move think ahead to make sure AI ships don't fly off the board. This happens often for no reason. Secondly there are standard defense and attacks for swarms, turreted ships, etc. it would be nice to have the AI offer possible defense mechanims, eg. donut of death for Y turrets or proper use of swarm tactics. Also, don't waste glitter and other one time cards before there is even a firing solution.

    1. Ah, actually this is exactly what the AI is doing (predicting 2 moves ahead). Still, in particular for hard to maneuver units (lambdashuttle), 2 moves ahead is not enough...

  30. The Console: It is so important, especially with 'may' moves, it would be great if we could change the background and font colors, perhaps have a best contrasting console color arrangement for each background... When I float my mouse over the area it shows a 4 sided moving icon but the console is not movable / sizable for me... it would be great if it were because I'd squish it and put it in the margin between the game and the list on either side... It looks very cool being see through but with bold fonts on a white background, being it is SO IMPORTANT, it might be more useful... I know it is a lot, but maybe eventually you can get around to it :-)

    1. Done ! You can invert colors in settings, and move it around now. Cheers !

  31. Great app, but lately it's been bugging out whenever an AI ship flies over an asteroid.

  32. Yes perhaps this is what the last comment was talking about, here is a battle report, watch what happens when contracted scount flies over an obstacle... happens twice in the game.. the game freezes but I hit esc and I can move it along... but, you can see the bug:

    1. Yes corrected. A test added for debris clouds was bugged. Cheers !

  33. I can confirm this bug (game freezes when moving over asteroids).
    Makes playing impossible, unfortunately :(

    1. I know it's just a work around but until he fixes it you can hit the ESC key and move on... it may lose a round but it's doable... another workaround is to simply remove the obstacles, drag them off to the side and at least you can play/test a list...

    2. I just discovered this problem today as well. Wasn't an issue in previous version. hope it gets fixed soon

    3. Just fixed ! A bug with a test with debris clouds...

    4. I had to reload my screen and then it was fixed... when I look at debris clouds I only see white space, not sure how to choose them...

    5. I forgot to upload the debris texture...Corrected! Then the selection is not intuitive: you first have to unselect the asteroids (open the asteroid window and clicking on the colored ones) in order to select 3 debris. Cheers !

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Great work, love the app. Quick bug report. Manaroo's ability does not work correctly with the Mindlink upgrade when passing focus to another ship with Mindlink. I believe Mindlink should kick-in and Manaroo ends up with a focus afterwards.

    1. Indeed, there was a bad timing: tokens to friend were added, friend gave tokens back to Manaroo through link, and...Manaroo removed its tokens. Corrected, thanks!

  36. it stop work today :( can't begin a game it load random stuff and not move in the 1st round

    1. Hmmm, there was some unstability (too quickly committed files). Just reload, it should work :-)

  37. Hi, thanks for all the work. Looks like there is a logic error currently preventing a ship shooting at all if it bumps, even if another ship is in arc.

    1. I made some corrections concerning this bug. Should work better now (hopefully). Cheers !

  38. There seems to be an issue with cloaking and the Phantom. If the Phantom isn't cloaked, then everything is fine. But when the Phantom tries to move when cloaked, the program locks up at the point where you would have to declare if you are decloaking, so it locks up at the end of the planning stage when you try to move to the activation stage.

  39. Tried to play today but no option to make your squad computer controlled. The drop down is missing Anyone else with this issue?

    1. Yes. I also can't switch between computer and human controlled anymore

    2. Same. It was sure nice having even a simple AI.

    3. See my posting below. Its still there. If you start playing, it's on top of the ship lists on the left and right.

  40. Hi, Great App! VCX 100 seems to be bugged... It's rolling 5 dice in rear attacks when the Phantom is deployed. Phantom Title states this:

    While you are docked, the Ghost can perform primary weapon attacks from its special firing arc and, at the end of the Combat phase, it may perform an additional attack with an equipped . If it performs this attack, it cannot attack again this round.

  41. I found it. You can now select it on top of your ship list when you play. I feel dumb now :)

  42. Thanks for this great work Denis. I'll use it to play a fast game with my son now and then. Easier than setting up the table :) He loves it too!

  43. I used to really enjoy this app, but over the last month or so I have noticed that the AI,(When playing against the computer), rolls 80-90% unmodified evades all the time. Yes I did keep a record because I thought I was losing my mind. I have come across this sort of AI with the Blood Bowl game, ie when the computer didnt want you to do something it just made you fail, no matter your odds of succeeding.

    I was wondering has anyone else experienced this?

    My data was over 20 games too by the way.

    1. Actually, the dice you see from the AI are <> rolls. The AI uses all its modifiers basically, rerolls, focuses, evades,...and then you see the result. The function to roll dice is the same for all players (AI or not), no cheating here. Cheers !

    2. I meant: the dice you see from the AI are "unmodified" rolls.

  44. I used to really enjoy this app, but over the last month or so I have noticed that the AI,(When playing against the computer), rolls 80-90% unmodified evades all the time. Yes I did keep a record because I thought I was losing my mind. I have come across this sort of AI with the Blood Bowl game, ie when the computer didnt want you to do something it just made you fail, no matter your odds of succeeding.

    I was wondering has anyone else experienced this?

    My data was over 20 games too by the way.

  45. I love this app. A new addiction for me. There's a weird bug with ARC 170s though. I've got a list I keep wanting to try with a couple ARCs and it glitches during the turn 2 planning or activation phase. A ship either won't assign a maneuver or won't activate. If you select a ship they teleport to some random spot on the table.

    Not sure where the issue arises though. I took a version of the list with no upgrades and had no issues, but as soon as I add upgrades, it glitches in 100% of games I try.

    1. Can you post you squad list here ? It must be a problem with an upgrade. Cheers !

    2. Having the same problem with a build using an ARC. List is as follows:

      Braylen Stramm (ARC 170)
      Han Solo
      Alliance Overhaul

      Lothal Rebel (VCX-100)
      Dash Rendar
      Hera Syndulla
      Fire Control System
      Autoblaster Turret

      Gold Squadron Pilot (Y-Wing)
      Twin Laser Turret
      BTL-A4 Y-Wing

    3. This still seems to be an issue. Original post describes the issue perfectly. List below:

      Norra Wexley
      Push the Limit
      Vectored Thrusters
      Tail Gunner
      Alliance Overhaul

      Braylen Stramm
      Vectored Thrusters
      Alliance Overhaul

      Biggs Darklighter
      Integrated Astromech

  46. Hi friend, great work with the app, it helps me a lot in movement training!

    Recently, i found a bug that did not exist before! I´m used to play with a combination of Kyle Katarn in Hwk and Jake Farrell in A-Wing, using the build Jake+Test Pilot+VI+Push The Limit+Autothrusters+Refit, but when i select the squad from the list, veteran instincts didnt appear in Jake and i can´t play with him PS 9 again...

    Other missing thing is the Tie Advanced with advanced targeting computer, the card upgrade ability says that you add 1 critical dice to your roll, so if you are attacking with 3 dices you perform attack with 3 dices (range 1) plus a critical, being able to perform a 4 hit attack and not only 3.

    Again, thanks for the app and great work!

  47. Hi, as always great work, but i found several bugs that worked before oddly enough.

    - No cannon seems to work at all at the moment. They just don't show up ingame in the equipment list and don't work as a consequence.
    - Idk if it's a bug, or just not yet implemented, but Heavy Scyk does not give one more HP.

  48. Same for me - it looks like in general, "A Wing Test Pilot" allows you to equip a second EPT, but once you start the match, the second EPT doesn't show up. In fact it doesn't even show up in the squad building list.

    1. I am having this same issue. Trying to do "A-Wing Test Pilot" and "Push the Limit", but the extra skill doesn't work

  49. hi, great job indeed, sir. thank you .

    i find a bug in charging some t70 new pilots, like nien numb: in fact, as the imagine of the ship is not displayed, i can't select any option.

    i hope you will soon implement tie striker and uwing, also.

    Btw, thank you again. you rock!

  50. Hey, love the app. Wanted to report a bug that happens quite often where when performing moves and actions, if i perform a target lock before all my ships have moved, it fails to continue the game because it thinks i have more ships to move but doesn't let me move them. Anyway you could fix the bug and make pressing ESC key force move them? Thanks

  51. Must say, I really love what you have done here. This is a great way to get a feel for a new squad, and the AI is enough of a challenge to keep it fun.

    One thing I have noticed, when I use R2-D6, to add the EPT upgrade on lower PS ships, that the upgrade does not work in the benchmark simulator. I can build it in the squad builder, it opens access to the EPT upgrade there, but in the simulator whatever EPT upgrade I choose is not reflected.

  52. Really nice app I like to use to test some squadrons.

    I notice 2 "bugs"

    1st : when you've target lock someone. And you want to shoot missile at it, If you have Biggs (who is not the locked ship) you can't shoot your missile on the "non Biggs" locket ship.

    2nd : the "blackone" title doesn't remove target lock from friendly ships.

  53. Denis, it's an amazing app you made ! :D always wanted a thing like this and now I can play some hours on.
    It's right that a multiplayer system should be a great thing, but ye.. copyrights.. :(

    I will try to play with my friends on TeamViewer control share :)

    A turn based game share is not possible ?
    You play your turn and URL can be shared to let the next play his turn, etc. ^^

    Just, thanks for this Denis :)

  54. Oh and uglies pirates ships can't be added ? Like X-tie, Tie-wing, C-wing, etc.. :P

  55. Any updates at all on the new waves being added?

  56. Awesome app, can't wait to try the wave xi ships!

  57. Great Job ! Still some bugs but it's a really well done - and wel-thinked- app.
    Don't give up and give us new wave :)

  58. Hi,
    Great job.
    Why don't upgrade with new wave??


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