Monday, March 28, 2016

Better display, all Wave 8 units in v0.8.4

Ruthless Freelancer
I just received the Ghost, Punisher and TIE Adv. Prototype boxes (in French) ! 
So this 0.8.4 update is essentially for improving display, adding a few units that were missing. 

I added the French translations for all these cards, and a few units/cards I missed: Baron of the Empire, Lothal Rebel, Ruthless Freelancer and Gand Findsman. I added their corresponding images, for use in the squad builder.  Electronic Baffle and Overclocked R4 are also added, not yet implemented.The squad builder has been slightly changed, to better fit the window.

In the previous versions, it was easy to miss an effect requiring the selection of a unit. The units were only highlighted in gray, and if you pressed the  "next phase", the game was probably stuck. Now, they are flashing ominously, this should help.
The mines dropped have now a different animation, with a line turning around the mine.
Tokens, hull and shield points  received and lost by pilots are shown on screen, as animation. I think this significantly improves the understanding of what happens during the game. 

In the navigation bar, a gear icon opens a setting window, where you can choose the volume for all game effects, you can show/hide  the console and show/hide movement traces. All units leave a trace of their faction color, actions such as barrel roll and boost leave dotted lines.

A few bug corrections for this update: 2 criticals were causing stalls, deploying units was stalling, mines were not functioning properly. This is better now.  Tel Trevura has been corrected.

The import button no longer exist. You just have to type or paste a list into one of the textarea for squads #1 and #2 to import the list. XWS3.0 imports are now possible again, just paste your squad list in this format and it will appear automagically as a plain list, and be integrated in your squad lists.


  1. Great upgrades! It appears that R5-P8 can trigger more than once per round.

    1. It also appears that when Manaroo passes tokens the program locks, but the "Next" button is available.

    2. Great updates in .8.4. Keep up the amazing work. I know you just got them, but Mist Hunter title only adds the Barrel Roll and isn't forcing the Tractor Beam Cannon.

    3. Guessing its due to TB not being fully implemented/working yet. Just put it on dual Aggressors and it prevented them from activating their movements. Look forward to it.

    4. For Mist Hunter, it's indeed not yet forcing TB. For the use of the two TB in IG-88, what was your configuration ? I tried a simple one:
      and it seems ok (I made the other units explode to end the combat).
      Cheers !

    5. Ok for Mist Hunter and its compulsory TB.

    6. IG88B and D both loaded with Wired, FCS, HLC, TB, Inertial Dampeners, Autothrusters

  2. Some more bug reports:
    * I cannot import imperial squads from Yet Another X-wing Miniatures Squad Builder (Scum and Rebel squads are fine)
    * Shield/hull "dots" do not follow the ship entity if you scroll the panels at the sides to see ships currently hidden.

    1. Corrected for imperial squad import, not yet completely for shield/hull dots (but improving). Thanks for the report !

  3. Here are some suggestions I like to see implemented:
    * It would be nice if not the maneuvers would be shown until the ship actually activates if that player is computer controlled (or have it as an option).
    * It would be nice if a required input in the form of action/maneuvers are on top of selecting ships. It is sometime quite hard to select a specific action/maneuver because it is located above a ship (either on the game board or the panel at the side).
    * It would be nice if Obstacles are chosen as part of the squad (or at least at the start of a game). Currently it is only possible to use old core set asteroids.
    * It would be nice if it is possible to choose the new damage deck instead of the old (if difficult to implement, consider replacing the old one with the new)
    * It would be nice to have a pop-up window (similar to "about" and "credits") that presents all the possible keyboard shortcuts.

    1. Thanks for the propositions ! The 2nd and 5th are done, the rest is not difficult, so appearing soon. The most time consuming task is to get the SVG shapes for all obstacles.

  4. noticed today: R4 Agromech is skipping the Target Lock if the firing ship already has an R4-created Target Lock on a different target ship.

    1. R4 now prompting for target lock, which is good. On a non-ordnance attack, it only prompts after the attack is complete, which is incorrect. You should be able to use focus to get a target lock and then use that target lock during the same attack (per FAQ).

  5. Just noticed - the Tie Adv. Prototype has a Green 4 straight, it's currently white

    1. Sorry, I can only see a 4 straight white. There was some upgrades or other co-pilots maybe changing its dial ?

  6. Feedback Array is activating at the start of combat, when it should activate at that ship's firing opportunity. It also seems to be stopping combat when the game gets to that firing opportunity, denying shots to lower PS ships. Further, Ion tokens on large ships seem to be clearing after a turn, never letting them accumulate up to two to have the Ion effect.

  7. Hello - great updates!
    Small issue with the Ghost. I have added Chopper as the pilot, but cannot seem to add Ion Projector - it isn't showing up as an item i can pick from the list.
    Relatedly, is there a bug report form I should be using? I couldn't find one.

  8. I'm finding that the program stops when it is Poe's turn to move in a Wedge-Poe-Biggs squadron.

    1. If there was a BB8, the bug was due to it. Corrected!

  9. I just discovered your app. It's very good!

    Can you implement debris fields, please?

    How are criticals displayed?

    1. Done for debris fields (you have to unselect first all asteroids). Criticals are displayed in the console, and then, if they last, in the unit panels (as an upgrade)
      Cheers !

  10. I just discovered your app. It's very good!

    Can you implement debris fields, please?

    How are criticals displayed?
