Tuesday, September 20, 2016

New T-70, YT-1300 and TIE pilots in v0.9.1

Galaxy's Greatest 

The Galaxy's Greatest news from FFG has presented a few additional pilots and upgrades for T-70 X-Wing. They are now in Squadron Benchmark v0.9.1 and working!
Jess Pava
Here are the unique Heroes of Resistance pilots in Squadron Benchmark:
  • Nien Nunb (T-70)
  • 'Snap' Wexley (T-70)
  • Jess Pava (T-70)
  • Sabine (TIE Fighter). I assume here her TIE has the same dial as other TIE Fighters
  • Han Solo (YT-1300): no real effect in Squadron Benchmark, as you can place your units wherever you want anyway. You can still experiment with it though. 
  • Chewbacca (YT-1300)
  • Rey (YT-1300)
    Sabine's TIE unofficial picture
For the upgrades, the following ones have been tested:
  • Smuggling Compartement
  • Burnout Slam
  • Finn
  • Rey
  • Millenium Falcon (new title)
  • Sabine's Masterpiece
  • Black One
  • Primed Thrusters
For Snap Shot, M9-G8 and Pattern Analyzer, you can build your squads with them but they have no effect yet in the combat simulator.

Bug corrections and improvements

Several bugs have been corrected: disactivated upgrades during play are indeed desactivated during play,  when an IG-88 dies with an IG-2000 title, other IG-88s lose its capacity. The same applies for wide range capacities, affecting many units. Many bugs fixed concerning disactivation of upgrades...

The % of chance to hit that are displayed now when you  display a weapon firing arc are only taking into account one attack (for normal weapons) and two attacks (for Cluster Missile and Twin Laser Turret). Effects of possible additional attack, with Gunner or TIE/D are not shown any longer.

Now when creating a squad, the filter has a "search" entry: You can type any text that will be search in  the pilot's names and their capacity text. For instance, you can search for "stress" to find all pilots that have an effect related to stress. The same for "additional attack" for additional attack die.

As usual, feel free to leave a comment here, report a bug, ... or donate (top right menu) :-)

Cheers !


  1. You're on top of things getting this new content in. Couple of quick bug reports for you though...

    New T-70 pilots are selectable but unable to be equipped in the squad builder, probably has something to do with the missing images for them causing the controls to moving to an unexpected area of the UI.

    Additionally, the in-game AI is unable to select a move to start this game: https://xws-bench.github.io/bench/?EwBhBpQVnBGYDMkQBYBcAOCsrHAThAG5QJo5Fl0tIEUDjZ8A2cBWZAdklg+F555+CNMwicIhIgDJmHWAgyYUZOuAC0UzvVgpWsTiIyhwEjVNgYMkPDm4GjJnHk3FpiPOz7hiKeouw4EjN8GF1IInVgKCRmemi2SIQYPSQUNMj4JAN9eihpADMAQwAbAGcAU2kAFwAnAFcqgGESorKygEsAY2leoA#

    1. Update: It's not just that one game, AI isn't picking any moves at all.

  2. just played against myself since AI is not putting in maneuvers. bugs found:

    Glitterstim remains available after being used.

    HotR Falcon does not give the option to turn around.

    Kanan crew still can't deal with people running over debris. Further Kanan problem is that he automatically procs on the first ship available. If my 5-stress Ghost does a white near Kanan's ship, he will clear one of its stress, leaving Dash hosed when he does his white maneuver.

  3. Found a bug:

    Etahn Abaht's ability can be used by enemy ships

  4. Found a bug:

    Etahn Abaht's ability can be used by enemy ships

  5. Seems that Stealth Device is still giving +2 agility rather than +1. Tested on a Tie Interceptor, but I believe it happens for other ships as well.

    1. I only notice +1 agility from Stealth Device (was your shot range 3, maybe?).

      However, Stealth Device is not going away for me after the ship is hit.

    2. Yes, when creating a new squad and then using it, the bonus is applied twice...When going back to setup, it's normal. I have to patch the bug (not yet done).

  6. AI isn't putting in moves at all.

  7. Update is exciting!

    Bug report:
    Black 1 title automatically selects ship to remove target lock; it should allow selection from multiple ships (including self). [Turn 4]

  8. Bug report:
    Snap Wexley stalls between completing a maneuver and allowing a boost action.

  9. One more bug report for you... ships that collide during the movement phase are unable to fire at each other during the shooting phase, which is expected. But if one of those ships is moved by a tractor beam, they should become legal targets. I suspect this could also be missing in the case of repositioning during combat via actions granted by Cracken, Turr, or Rudor.

  10. Tractor beams and your wonderful little app just do not get along. Whenever a ship is moved during combat by a tractor beam, if that ship would be next in initiative order to fire but the movement renders that ship unable to shoot (either by overlapping an asteroid or no longer having a target in arc), combat stops there.

    Additionally, Latts Razi crew does not appear to work at all.

  11. Bug Report
    AI is stuck selecting a move in second round. First Turn works fine (moved all Rebels straight three). But Second Turn, I set the Rebel moves, then one of the Tie's gets stuck. Dev console shows "TypeError: c is undefined bench.min.js: 203:130" which seems stuck in a loop.


  12. Bug: Outer Rim Smuggler has Attack 3 when it should only have 2.

  13. Bug: Tractor beaming a TIE stopped the combat phase of a game. Couldn't continue shooting.

  14. Bug report:
    R7 Astromech may not be removing the target lock properly.

  15. Hello! First, awesome job with this app! Loving to play-test some squad buildings here! Keep the awesome job!! :3

    Second, I noticed few bugs, but must be normal bugs. For example... when I attack a Tie Fighter with Wedge Antilles, his ability triggers and the Tie Fighter gets -1 agility dice, but when I attack the same Tie Fighter with another friendly ship on the same round, the Tie Fighter is still rolling only 2 agility dices instead of his normal 3 agility dices.

    I might have found few other bugs, but as soon as I spot them again will update in a new comment. ^^

  16. Bug report:
    Tractor Beam relocation seems not to be working properly (see Round 2 combat).
    Tallon Roll may not be positioning correctly (see Round 6 activation).

  17. [Bug Report]

    BB-8 in Snap Wexley stalls the game.


  18. Bug report:
    Thane Kyrell pilot ability does not display upon mouse hover, either in squad builder or in game.

  19. Bug: Latts Razzi (CREW) doesn't work in battle. The option (to reduce enemy's stress add evade) comes up but you can't press it to activate the ability.

  20. Hey, Nien Numb doesn't work in the squad builder. Thanks

  21. Bug reports:
    Deathfire does not allow Bomb action after another action.
    Dengar allows "revenge shot" at targets outside his primary firing arc.
    Nashtah Pup Pilot can occasionally be selected as a target before being deployed!

  22. Old Teroch seems to be checking his arc rather than opponent's arc for token-removal. Or maybe he's just checking range 1.

  23. Major WTF moment with this one. Link at bottom...

    Take a 1-forward with all the rebels. Dengar pops countermeasures, despite being out of range. No biggie there, at least he's finally saving glitterstim.

    On the next turn, plot all 1 forwards again. It takes way too long for Dengar to pick a move, then Manaroo flies off the board, Biggs turns right somehow, and Dengar warps to the middle of the board before making his maneuver.


  24. Swarm Tactics does not seem to be working correctly, it is raising the PS, but not resetting it at the end of combat.

  25. I think there is a problem with the site. When launching XWS apparently version 0.8.4 is loaded and most of the features are not working at all.

  26. I get the same as LM. Cannot play at the moment.

    Well done on this site btw, I am using it to teach the game to my g/f as well as testing out new builds.

  27. I've noticed a problem with the Darth Vader pilot When you add an Advanced Targeting Computer it seems to be getting removed once you actually go to play the game.

    Also, Gyroscopic Targeting leaves the Mobile Arc overlay on the play area when the AI has it equipped.

    1. ATCs are not showing up on other TIE/Ads also. They seem to be disappearing from the saved squadron lists, too.

    2. Basically titles which add upgrade slots are not working (see the same problem below with TIE shuttle ans Scyk title)

  28. Hooray it is working again!

  29. Crew equipped to a TIE bomber with the TIE shuttle title are not being loaded into the play mode.

    1. Same issue with the B-wing/E2 Upgrade. Upgrade appears in the runtime but the assigned Crew is missing.

  30. When using the Scyk title, whatever secondary weapon you select doesn't appear when you enter a game, same issue for all of the pilots.

  31. Bug report:
    Strange duplication of squad on both teams.

  32. Bug reports:
    Mist Hunter title is not properly equipping Tractor Beam from the squad builder to the simulator.
    R2-D6 is not properly equipping Wingman on Thane Kyrell from the squad builder to the simulator.

    1. Bug report:
      Mist Hunter title is not giving the Barrel Roll option with Ruthless Freelancer.

  33. Bug Report: Hung on turn 14 after Trandoshian Slaver's maneuver. It looks like the console fire crit hit it, taking the slaver to 0 hull, but the launch Nashtah pup did not fire (possibly due to stress on the Slaver being checked?) and the dead slaver was left on the map and no interaction with the UI is available.

  34. I can't get couple upgrades to stick:
    Tractor Beam on Mist Hunter
    Some crew (Jan Ors) on B-Wing with B-wing/E2
    3rd Bomb on K-wing with Sabine Crew and 3rd bomb slot

    BTW this app is amazing, keep up the great work.

  35. It seems like any card that grants an extra slot/action is not working. Have had problems with TIE X/1 title, TIE shuttle, Scyk title, Bwing/E2, Sabine crew, Misthunter title, etc.

  36. Bug report: some titles that grant extra slots don't seem to work, EG: Andrasta title for extra two bomb tokens do not load once simulation starts. Same with Virago title not adding sensor / illicit once loaded into the sim.

  37. Hello.
    It is since few days that I cannot create new lists.
    I create them and when I press "next" button I cannot see them in the "1" area of the home page nor in my build's list

  38. I don't understand the initiative. I want to test a squad that wants to give away initiative to Dengar. When I have the lower points in my test squad, it automatically chooses to take initiative. When the Dengar squad has lower points, it automatically chooses to give initiative away. This persists no matter which one is squad #1 and squad #2, leaving me unable to test against a Dengar who is forced to move first.

  39. Hey I love the squad benchmark so useful and play it loads, thanks!

    Just a quick problem to report: New Chewbacca (hotr) doesn't work properly, when you select him for your squad and start the game he has old Chewbaccas ability!


  40. M3-A interceptors with their title card + missile/cannon/etc does not work properly. The secondary is missing in game.

  41. Upgrades that add another card slot (TiE/x1, B-Wing/E2, Tie Shuttle, A-Wing test Pilot) allow you to add the extra card in design but when in runtime the extra card is not used. For example, TiE/x1 + Advanced targeting computer in design, only TiE/x1 is there in runtime.

  42. The TIE Shuttle title doesn't appear to be working.

  43. Bug report:
    The program locks when it is time for Backdraft to take an action in this game: https://xws-bench.github.io/bench/?IwVgNKAsBcDsBsZLGGAnABgNzFgJjD1TwGYIS0IE5ESNxMd9DUpzLhM4AOMEWBtk5kSqSBkKloeSH0ix02AGR4Ms1eGClCa6N1ERcYALRahCMAeAZe4vXT4FTqnCUQaIyQ3j1FLzY0YVeks8BRJebGN4XhJYMkgCYCxjbU5EYDI8FOB4CWNIWkoSLFgJYG4JEgSsNAZLPiUAMwBDABsAZwBTZvbupQBhNpaOjoBLAGMlAH1jAAVTU1mF4FTlxZIlJSA#

  44. Hey Mate,
    The Advanced Tie isn't working with Title + Advanced Targetting Computer. ATC never works.

  45. Confirmed, Tie advanced+advanced targeting computer aren't working.

  46. [Bug Report]

    I'm having so many bugs lately. It is really disappointing. :(

    Here are some of them I've experienced:

    * Squadron is fully built, but upgrades are dropped when I go into the game.
    * The game stops after the first AI ship moves.
    * The game stops during the planning of the second round while the first AI ship is planning.
    * Ships change position on the board.

    It has been two weeks since I've been able to play a game without any bugs. If it is something that is happening on my end, then I'm unsure of what it is. The same bugs happen regardless of which computer I use, regardless of which browser I use.

    1. I finally got a replay. Usually I'm not able to use Esc to get the game moving again, but this time I was able to. Game stops after the first AI ship moves.


  47. Love the site, thanks so much... you are doing a great job!

  48. Seeing same bugs as Anonymous from 10/14.
    * Game stops during second round of AI planning or
    * Ships jump what seems random directions on second round activation
    * More specific when using R2-D6 and adding an EPT to a pilot that did not have one, the EPT is removed on game start.

  49. Juke does not appear to be triggering. Noticed on defenders, so not sure if it is the 'free' evade causing problems.

  50. Siesmic Torpedoes don't seem to be applying the damage.

  51. [Bug report] A-Wing test pilot not working anymore, the additional EPT card didnt appear when game starts, same happens with TIE Shuttle

  52. https://goo.gl/Jb0gXr

    Shield upgrade is not working.

  53. As great as this app is, it's rife with bugs right now. From cards that grant extra slots/upgrades not working to ships teleporting around the board to AI freezing up when selecting a manoeuvre.

    You haven't really commented on anything lately and while I realise this is being worked on in your free time, it's incredibly frustrating to be unable to use what used to be a great tool. Who knows, maybe you have a large update in the works that will address these issues. Right now all it seems is like you are either not reading the comments or are not fixing these problems.

    Are there any fixes coming or has work on this stopped?

  54. Bug: some ships roll extra green dice when they should'nt (ie range 1-2) such as the Scum Z-95

  55. https://goo.gl/8C3Gzy

    Omega Leader had poe Target locked, but poe was still able to flip eyeballs into evades.

  56. Thanks for a making a great App. I noticed a few Title cards not working. The Mist Hunter Title can be added, but does not add the Barrel Roll action as an option when playing. Also The Heavy Scyk Interceptor Title allowed me to add a Heavy Laser Canon when building the squad, but the HLC did not appear at all once I got to the game board.

  57. 2 bugs: The Licence link from google leads to a random partially finished game. Also, one of my games appears roughly 3100 times in the squads database. Seems like something that should probably be cleaned up.

    Link http://xws-bench.github.io/bench/index.html?IzCsC4HYE4BoBZQGZbQAwG4QQEwvgBzyqbZSSyjABsJWY4OOl8c69osOIjK1ktUmC49IBSgWCwhnbsEbFqwYjJHyCaWNXgqMAMn7gCoCvH6wAtMA37JzYJqQVMBJJ2BJiSFMAyQk4hZMnEi0OBjInBYEzNywSBjUUUgOWgiJ3pZgKCmUegBmAIYANgDOAKYFJRV6AMLFhaWlAJYAxnoA+hYAClZWXb3AQQN9SCND8B1oFgC2FgBCADJIFtPAkJAdOLMLy6tWGx1Dc0sra4crJ3vnm6A78wBK22tI0B2Q90-7Hm-Un89WV4deD-b5Agg7ABiQ2mGnGFlAI22Yx6QQsk2mcwAKg8zlYklsdji8TREccLMTvgTLhTcVTEXdsXS1gSPkySQS-uz6cCicz8YiIdjrgKOhCACarLoAdTFFklaBlcoVSossolUrVSo1iq1Ou18s16sNutlepNquNKvN1rNVqNBttjod+ptLotbtNzq9nu9frVej0QA

  58. Great app brilliant for testing builds! just a few issues i've come across so far, on the arc 170 fighters, thane kyrells pilot ability is blank. also i've noticed that if i try playing a build with 2 arc fighters it tends to make the game glitch, i.e. ships jumping position, long lock ups in phase progression etc.

  59. Upgrades are begin left off.

    When a ship with multiple cards is selected everything appears find. All upgrades are there. Once 'next' is selected the last upgrade card for the ship is missing.

    This has happened with several different builds.

  60. Playing HoR Poe + Rey. Poe can't take actions or attack.

    Poe+Push+BB-8+Primed Thursters+Autothrusters
    Rey+Fin+Push+Engine+HoR Falcon Title

  61. Arc170 related issue - the first opposing AI ship that moves after the arc170 cannot do any actions and the game just hangs.

  62. It appears crits aren't showing now. Last few games when I got a crit it never showed up so I didn't know what crit it was. Turned out one of them was damaged engine as I could tell from getting stressed when turning.

    1. I experienced both the bugs Ynot reported (ARC 170 - AI unable to complete actions 10/23) and Crits not showing (10/27) just last night while playing

  63. Snap Wexley with BB-8 and Primed thruster freezes with no actions selectable on the 1st round after set up.

  64. After a few tests to find where the bug comes from, I am pretty sure Primed Thrusters is the issue. Blocks the program when you should take an action with the ship that has it.

  65. New as of today: HoTR T-70 X-wings (Jess, Nien, Snap) have no picture load when selected and the upgrades are visible but not selectable. Therefore, I cannot add upgrades.

  66. Just wanted to say that it is definitely Primed Thrusters that is broken - currently stops all actions from being taken on any ship that it's equipped on. Tested on a TIE/SF too.

  67. Hello,
    I just noticed that the Protectorate Starfighter is missing its red maneuvers. As always, great work!

  68. Hi,

    most of the upgrades that are added by another upgrade (for example Tie x/1 (the system upgrade) or Heavy Scyk (any of the weapons) disappear once you get to the Prepare for combat page.

    Incredible work you've done! I don't have much time nowadays to play the game in real life so this is a welcome bandaid! :)

  69. Sometimes the images for pilots are missing in the squad builder. This moves the upgrades slot buttons up and makes so you can't select them.

  70. Hello there.
    I create my team. I choose the Bwing with the modification which gives me the crew slot. I add a crew. When I go into simulation, I cannot get the crew to appear. I tried the Bwing with ten numb and kanan jarrus/ Jan Ors. They show in the list but when you press next and go into the real simulation, the crew disappears from the upgrades of the list

  71. Extra munitions isn't working anymore. Also, if you load multiple bombs to the firespray using the title, you only get to use one during play. I haven't tested extra munitions on other builds yet, but for sure with the firespray it doesn't seem to be working.

  72. Stygium Particle Accelerator's free focus token made the game hang.

  73. There have been no updates for over a month now. Hopefully Denis hasn't given up on it. Anyone have his email or any other way of contacting him to find out?

    1. Someone is doing work. My comments keep getting removed but the issues are not being resolved. I really like the system and it is very helpful to teach myself other meta lists. Communication is lacking, though.

  74. Last push to github with any change was October 4th so it has gone quiet since. Wish I had an email for Denis.

    1. or even a Twitter account...

    2. I've also tried to message him through the FFG forum but he hasn't read that either. Might be time to start thinking about forking this with a group of people and keep it going if there is enough interest. Sadly none of the code is well commented so it will take some work to figure out the way everything works. I have the entire github tree pulled down so I might start to look at it more seriously and add comments in it so it can be continued.

    3. I was thinking the same thing. Any initial impressions of the code-base, other than the lack of comments? Could we fix a couple of the bugs easily enough?

    4. When I get some free time I'll be looking through it more thoroughly. I see some basic typos in it already but have to test here locally first. The biggest annoyance right now is probably the arc-170 teleportation issue. I think I may have found that issue.

    5. Where were you able to find the source code?

    6. Specifically, the code is in the "gh-pages" branch, not the default "master":

  75. Bug report: Stygium Particle Accelerator offers an evade token even when decloak option is not selected.

  76. Hi, I tried Rey with Glitterstim. You can select it, but the Home screen doesn't count them in the total and you can't use them in the sim. Also, New-Bacca's ability doesn't come up in the sim.

  77. Upgrades that give aditional Upgrade Slots dont work (B_Wing, A_wing, Interceptor) as soon as the Simulator starts the cards in the new slot disapears.

  78. Making a list with Poe (PS9), PTL, Title, Primed Thrusters, BB8 and Autothrusters.

    The game always freezes when Poe gets to declare an action after moving. Tested with multiple wingmates, and with none, and its definately something in Poe causing the problem

    Also when attempting a mirror match the AI Poe freezes while trying to decide a manoeuvre.

    1. It may be Primed Thrusters- I just froze after moving Backdraft equipped with Primed Thrusters.

    2. Same here, primed thrusters does that

  79. There may be a bug with Hobbie specifically. I tried a couple times and both times after executing his first move, he explodes. He didn't overlap or crash, and there wasn't any combat.

  80. Having problems with ships randomly jumping around the board during the activiation. Tried it with my list vs two different lists and it happened with both.
    Flying Miranda with TLT, Sabine crew, Extra Munitions, Homing Missile, Guidance Chips, Ion Bombs, Thermal Detonators; Braylen Stram with R3A2, Gunner and title; LT Blount with Veteran Instincts and XX-23 tracers.
    I did manage a game with the list but without the ARC-170 title, but now when I have added the title, around turn 3 the ships all teleport around the map.

  81. you have a bug where xizor or possibly all star vipers do not get the benefit of their system upgrade slot as always keep up the great work

  82. The last update was three moths ago. No feedback. For reasons unknown the creator seems to have abandoned the project ;-(

  83. Denis has not responded to any type of correspondence I have tried. Messaged him through FFG forum - nothing. Direct email that I found within the sources of this app - nothing. Putting this app aside, I hope he is okay and just ignoring us for some reason or other.

  84. @ Denis: Let us know you are ok! Please.

  85. This was one of the most fun things to play with and it's pretty much totally bork now.. anything I try ends up hung or flying off the board. Please fix it!

  86. I just hope Denis is ok :(

  87. Very nice work. I really would give some money for a multiplayer version.
