Details of the current version v0.99.1

The version 0.99.1 is still in beta stage,  some features of the real game may still be missing or not correctly implemented.
Here is a list of the features implemented:
The game handles all types of units from Wave I to Wave X, except huge ships of the EPIC mode. All ships can move according to their dial, action bar and fight with their characteristics. There are several screens for the app. The home screen allows to select either squad building or combat. You will be able to navigate easily between these 3 screens.
The combat screen allows to select pre-built squads from a list. This list is made of squads you have built, or squads in the 5 most recent tournaments, registered with X-Wing Juggler Lists. Select two squads and move to the next screen with "Go" for combat simulation. By default the "Free combat" is selected, it means the combat will be a duel  Alternatively, you can select the "Scenario" menu to play some of the predefined scenarios or create your own.

Combat / Simulation features:

  • Maneuvers: All maneuvers are possible (including S-turn and K-turn). The templates have
    been measured and 10pixels correspond to 1cm. The final positions after a maneuver should reproduce reality, however the intermediate positions may differ slightly.
  • Collisions: Collisions with obstacles and other units are handled for maneuvers. Collision detection is also handled for actions such as barrel roll, boost, ...
  • Actions: all actions on pilot bar are implemented.  Picture on the right shows a large ship performing a barrel roll. The possible landing zones are, for the sake of simplicity, limited to 3 zones for each side: front, middle and rear. For large units, there are 5 zones. Clicking in one of these zones moves the ship into it. The arrows on the landing zones can be selected also and show how the ship will be oriented. Only authorized positions are shown for selection. If there is only one position possible, the unit will move automatically. Cloaking/decloaking works also the same way. For special actions requiring to move or select a unit, the selectable units or positions for legal move are highlighted in a similar way. Selecting the unit at the origin of this action, if there's an overlay with the same color, will in general cancel the action.
  • Combat:  Bonus/malus due to range 1/range 3 or obstacles are handled. You can activate each reroll, modification effect provided by pilots or upgrades in any order. Conditions for application of an effect are tested automatically by the app. The reroll is semi-automatic: you can choose to reroll or not, the dice rerolled are however automatically chosen according to the effect (Han rerolls all dice, Howlrunner only blank and focus, if no focus token).  In any case, if you are not pleased with the results, you can click on the dice directly to select the right result :)
  • Artificial Intelligence: It is possible to give the control of 0, 1 or both squads to an AI. This AI is very basic. It tries to stay in the game area and moves towards the other squadron, activating all possible effects, actions whenever possible. It will fire missiles/torpedoes. You choose at the setup phase which squad is controlled by the AI or by you. The AI can also move in formation (very basic so far), and to do so, it takes more computation time. You can switch this off in the "gear" menu in setup phase, by selecting "individual" AIs.
  • Console: there is a console describing on going actions and effects. It can be scrolled and moved around. In the setting menu, you can swap the background/foreground colors for the console.
  • Probability evaluation in combat situations:  The app can compute the probability to hit, the average number of hits and criticals in any given situation of the combat, for any number of units involved in the combat of one unit. This is still a draft feature.
  • 240 out of 242 possible pilots are fully implemented (ships in Waves 1-10, plus CROC), including their possible special capacities. For instance, Howlrunner adds one reroll to friendly units at range 1.
  • 249 out of 255 upgrades are fully implemented. All secondary weapons, such as cannons, torpedos, missiles, ... are working and all bombs. Upgrades giving extra actions are handled correctly.
  • User interface: zoom/pan the main area of play, and scroll through the list of units. It should work with the mouse and with touch interface (mostly). The interface was made with the desktop computer in mind, it may be far from optimal on a pad/phone.
  • Going Back: build your squadrons, place the asteroids, and combat. You can later come back to the the beginning of any round or at the setup phase through the "Back" menu. Once you go back, it will save this state of the game and next time you reload your page, it will  go back to your last save. For instance, if I play through 5 turns, but decide to go back to setup, I can play again and when I reload the page (normal reload of the browser), it will restart at the setup. I can also bookmark the page, it will save the setup in the browser. 
  • Save: There is also a "Save" button, that generates the web address for the current turn of play. The save icon is next to the "Back" menu, that appears after the setup. You can also save or share the  URL given to show your tactics, challenge friends or explain some units.
  • Import Tabletop setups: use the "Import Setup Image" to import a topview image of your tabletop setup, this will help you to position your ships and asteroids the same way in Squadron Benchmark as on your table.  


Scenarios are a new feature from version 0.99. To play a scenario, select a squad list for the list #1, (double?) click on a scenario and there you go !
You can create your own scenario (still beta): In scenario mode, press new, type a title, short text and select an enemy squad. Then select in the "gear" menu one of the setups, victory conditions, and playing options, such as moving asteroids. When ready, press "Go". You can then position your squad, choose the asteroid and place them. When ok, press "Next" and it will go back to the combat screen. Your scenario is now in the list of scenarios (not publishable yet).

List of squadlists

For a fast game,  you can select the "Latest" squads from recent tournaments. You have the points of the squad, the country of the tournament and its type. Feel free to edit lists, print them and play with them. 
The lists from tournaments is updated each time you connect, so feel free to visit frequently :)
In this list, you can find also the squad you have built, with the "Save Squads". 



Squad builder

To build a new squad, you can either press the "New" button near each squad text area, or type in this box your squad list in plain text.
  • Import: You can import or modify existing squads by editing your squad list directly in the text area of the squad. An autocompletion helps to type only the first few letters (TAB or shift+TAB keys to cycle). The plain text allows copy/paste of units from web site such as X-Wing Juggler. The description of the list is localized (can be in French or English). You can also paste into the textarea some XWS3.0 squad description, as provided by other squad builders (Fab's Squad Builder, Yet another squad builder, Squad Builder). Paste directly XWS text and it will appear as plain text automatically. 
  • Create: Select a faction and then units from the carousel of units. The selected units can then be customized with upgrades. You can filter the units by selecting units with only specific upgrade types, specific actions or the maneuvers you want. When finish, press the "Next" button. 
  • Add obstacles to your squads: You can further configure your squads by adding 3 asteroids or 3 debris clouds in the main screen, to them. These asteroids are permanently added to the squad. Each time this squad is selected for combat, it will come with these asteroids. You can of course edit again the list of asteroid to change it if you wish.
  • Localization: a complete localization of cards and of the UI is done in French.  
  • Strategy Beginner's guide: A guide helps you to select the best units, and gives you some advice on your upgrades. Feel free to follow the advices for your first games, but then feel free to experiment !


  1. not working anymore after the manoeuvers chosing

    1. The Computer player stops after moving first ship - just before doing any action! :(

      Happens in firefox and chrome.

  2. oh another one HLC seem not to verify the range for 1 Rng, it is possible to attack with this one at any range including rng 1

  3. oh another one HLC seem not to verify the range for 1 Rng, it is possible to attack with this one at any range including rng 1

    1. Now it should work better with v0.6.1
      Cheers !

  4. When a ship collides and cannot move it is dissapearing from the map

    1. Yes, some initialization bug probably, but I still do not know how to solve it (difficult to reproduce)

    2. Looks like it might be an issue with multiple ships, each one gets progressively worse as the turn goes on. Perhaps there's a variable that isn't cleared when you activate the next ship?

      Would love to assist with this project, and possibly expand it to Armada. Check out my site and drop me a message if you'd like some help, or just to talk though some of the logic.

  5. Great set updates recently. Liking the ability to see the whole map at once.. Looks like you need to double the length on the asteroid templates. Currently 2 ranges on an asteroid fit within 1 range of a ship. example;

  6. I can't seem to get the Engine Upgrade to give Vader the boost action as an option. Thanks!

  7. There is an issue with R2D2 astromech. It appears to have the same ability as R2D2 crew, rather than the shield recharge on a green move.

  8. The K-Wing's weapon is wrong; its primary weapon should be a turret and isn't.

  9. Really good work !

    All it needs now is XWS 0.3.0 support fort importing squads from third party squad builders :)

  10. I better report this because no one else will: Kir Kanos's ability stopped working.

  11. Corrected ! Kir Kanos should work now.

  12. Love the new interface and it work a lot better on IE now.

    I have found the following build something like 30-50 stress and sometimes moves in the planning stage..
    Kavil + Opportunist + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech + Engine Upgrade

  13. It seems to be Opportunist as when I put it on a different ship a similar thing happens.

    1. Yes opportunist was not checking the 0 stress condition. Fixed !

  14. Darth Vader's pilot ability seems to be letting him bypass the "no action" check for overlapping a ship or moving through an obstacle.

  15. found a litle bug : the inquisitor "Range" bonus is not fully implemented : the defencer still add an evade dice at range 3 : it should not :)

    1. Corrected ! The message (+1 for range 3) will still be printed though, with no effect.

  16. It appears Kanan Janus (Crew) ability is not working properly, and not shedding stress on a nearby friendly ship (or on the equipped ship itself) when executing a white maneuver.

    1. Yse, I mixed the Crew with the pilot. It works now.
      Thanks !

  17. it is not able to load the json file from the data folder it it is not working at all...first accured while I am now using chrome 48

    1. it works when I use changeLanguage("en"); in the the "de" version seems not to be reachable

    2. Ah yes, there is only FR and EN but I agree if you have another predefined language in your locale, it will not work. I correct this soon. Thanks !

    3. As I said, there is no German version yet, but I've put now the translation file in github:
      If you know someone who is willing to build from this a "de" translation, he's most welcome !
      Cheers !

    4. Finally, I use the Deutsch translation for cards, available for Yet Another Squad builder.

  18. Palob with Opportunist doesn't seem to work correctly. I can re-use opportunist over and over again even though I am stressed.
    Also, I noticed Guri hasn't been granted a focus token as per his pilot ability.

    1. Hmmm, seems to work now. It is automatically granted at the beginning of the attack phase, provided an enemy is within range 1.

  19. This is getting better all the time - however looks like my green dice on Miranda never get rolled. I was R3 through a rock and got no defense roll. Additionally the turn after I SLAM it still didn't let me attack with Miranda.


    1. It seems to work for me. At the time of our test, the app was unstable. Is it still happening ?

  20. Actually none of my ships can defend for some reason and this stops the combat completely as it will not progress past the first ship. The firing ship is a Z-95 with Guidance Chip and Concussion Missile - firing main gun on this occasion.

  21. Guidance chip was bugged. Corrected ! Thanks for the report !

  22. Some issues Ive seen, apologizes if these have all ready been fixed.
    All of these seem to pop up in every browser

    1. Dash Rendar can still attack when sitting on an asteroid
    2. Miranda can no longer attack after performing a SLAM
    3. The Kyle Katarn + Recon Spec + Moldy Crow combo seem to break the script after three turns of building up focus on Kyle
    4. Jan Ors as Crew locks the game when asking to choose focus or evade no interface choice buttons are shown

    Let me say what you've done here is fantastic. I live in a rural area and don't get to make it to a FLGS very often. This lets me test and play all sorts of things
    Keep up the great work!!

    1. Thanks a lot! I'm very pleased this meets your needs ! Don't hesitate to provide suggestions to improve it, new features, ...
      Thanks for the bug report:
      1. Yes, it is still the case (not yet corrected)
      2. Hmmm, this seems normal, no ? No attack after a SLAM
      3. Moldy Crow was not retaining focus tokens. Corrected. I've not been able to reproduce a breaking bug
      4. Corrected
      Cheers !

    2. Ok, corrected for SLAM. Miranda couldn't attack on any turn after SLAM...

  23. Love this trainer. Thank you for your work.

    Issue with the Dauntless title card. Dauntless, just like Push The Limit, should only give stress if you choose to use the free action. Currently it gives the stress regardless.

    1. Also, Tactical Jammer doesn't seem to work. The ship it's on doesn't obstruct enemy attacks.

    2. Corrected for Dauntless. For tactical jammer, I need more testing to understand the bug...
      Cheers !

    3. Corrected for Tactical Jammer!

  24. Thank you very much for all the hard work! Just wanted to report that you're missing a Tie Advance Prototype Pilot

    Baron of the Empire:
    Tie Advanced Prototype
    PS 4
    ept, missile, Title, Modfication


    1. Thanks, indeed I missed a couple of units from Wave 8. Now they are added, with their picture.

  25. IG-2000 Title card does not seem to be working... two different aggressors with the upgrade card should share the ability of the other. So if the other 'living' friendly ship has an evade token after boost as it's pilot skill then the other aggressor should also get that skill. Same as if one has the ability to attack again if missed all dice the partner ship should have that ability. That's the value of that upgrade, it seems to do nothing. Thanks and thanks for the amazing amount of time and effort that must have gone into this, it rocks!!

    1. Corrected for IG2000 ! It was working previously but I forgot to change its code when I rewrote the code of IG-88s. It works but the effect is now permanent (stays when one IG-88 dies). To be corrected.
      Cheers !

  26. There seems to be a glitch with the Tarn Mison/R7 combo. When Tarn is attacked, there is no option to modify the attack dice with R7 and no way to resolve the attack.

    Also, when using Stay on Target, if the original move selected would cause you to bump, the computer does not allow you to select this maneuver even though you might want to. You should always be able to attempt the maneuver you chose on your dial.

    1. Thanks indeed for these two bugs. Corrected for Tarn/R7 combo.
      For Stay on Target, the move leading to a bump was prevented for a roll/boost, I forgot the case of a classic maneuver. It should work now.
      Cheers !

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Just want to express how much i appreciate all the hard work going into this application! Version 2.0 to include multiplayer? ;)

    1. Well, tell me how to integrate TogetherJS library and you have it :-) !

    2. Actually, there is no technical limitation, but I'll not do it because it could be seen as a competitor to the real table top game (see post "one year after"). Cheers !

  29. Hi, thanks for fixing the IG88 issue... I'm having a new issue with them, I play with a B and a C and when I have a mangler and an autoblaster... the autoblaster. This combination worked fine a few days ago but now when I shoot the mangler I get a comment that the autoblaster can't be cancelled, no hits are counted vs. the enemy ... so it is reporting on the autoblaster after I shoot the mangler.. after this all combat ceases and I have to choose next even if other ships have initiative and firing solutions. So, not sure if fixing the IG88 messed something up but things are not right. Also I'm noticing I fire at ships and sometimes their shields go away on hits that should take them away and sometimes they don't... perhaps this is because it thinks I'm firing a dif. weapon or something, don't know... thanks!!

  30. Is it normal that we should see our opponents moves before we move? The whole idea is to move and 'guess' their moves. Can that be toggled off, esp for playing the computer?

    1. Corrected ! You can still see player moves, but not the AI. Cheers !

  31. This is a MOST AMAZING simulation! A few more bugs, playing with two IG-88 with first deck in your top 10 vs the Luke Skywalker and 3 rookies, using the computer as Luke, many times after hits they don't show on the opponent until after the opponent makes their next more or after that phase... one of my aggressors got hit -3 totally and it didn't show on the screen until I went to set my next move. So past combat phase entirely before the screen showed the correct shield and hull values.

    1. Thanks Russ ! I've made some modifications, correcting display problem. Not sure it has corrected your problem. Is it appearing again ?

  32. One more bug, sorry!:
    186/187 pilots with full effect
    Pilots NOT implemented, .Tomax Bren
    191/194 upgrades implemented
    Upgrades NOT implemented, .Emperor Palpatine, Electronic Baffle, Overclocked R4
    [IG-88C] copying IG-88B abilities [IG-2000]
    [IG-88B] copying IG-88C abilities [IG-2000]
    TEAM #1 has initiative
    [Turn #1]Setup
    [Turn #1]Planning
    [Wild Space Fringer] Maneuver set
    [Ten Numb] Maneuver set
    [Ibtisam] Maneuver set
    All units have planned a maneuver, ready to end phase
    [Turn #1]Activation
    [Wild Space Fringer] +1 f [Recon Specialist]
    [IG-88B] free evade action
    [IG-88C] free evade action
    All units have been activated, ready to end phase
    [Turn #1]Combat
    [Ten Numb] attacks IG-88C with Laser
    [IG-88C] +1 defense for obstacle
    [IG-88C] +1 defense for range 3
    **ERROR** [IG-88C] undefined cancel critical

    1. Yes, thanks ! I've corrected Ten Numb bug.
      Cheers !

  33. Okay, on the IG-88's when there are two of them it says copying abilities... it seems to be copying ALL the abilities to the other ship. The only ability that gets copied is the IG-2000 card ability. So when I play with IG-88B and C. IG-88B gets C's ability to fire again if it misses when it fires AND IG-88C gets B's ability to get an Evade token after it boosts. What is happening now is each ship is getting ALL the abilities of the other ship and that is just not correct.

    1. 1. you have the abilities mixed up. IG88B is double-tap, IG88C is evade if boost.
      2. the IG2000 title allows for sharing of abilities between all IG88s in play. So in the case of B/C, both ships would get double tap and evade/boost. (provided they both had the title, which is 0pts so why not.)

  34. Request: Can you possibly tweek AI a bit so that certain defense conditions only come up IF a firing solution exists? I'm playing vs. computer with the Glitterstim card and this card is always turned over on the second move regardless of the situation. It is often wasted as there is NO firing solution. So if it is possible add some code to AI to NOT turn over ONE TURN defense cards when there is nobody attacking :-) Also, cards like Crack SHot are turned over on the first attack. I know it's AI but again, easily modified. Again with Crack Shot you could come up with some conditions that will set it off other than first attack... if possible... It is SO WORTHY to test out squads vs. your AI it would be nice to see it get a tad better. Thanks!!

    1. Thanks a lot !
      For the AI, it's a good idea, but requires a lot of additional code: for all upgrades, define how the AI should use it. So it's not for next week :-) Cheers !

  35. IG-88D does not get the 3k hard 90° turn that the D card adds to itself and its partner IG-88A,B or C... the D's ability adds a K turn to the 90° white 3 on the move list.

  36. where do we submit bugs? I like the app a great deal, but my current list doesn't work properly. Specifically, I have chopper with zeb, accuracy corrector and autoblaster turret, and the app isn't allowing chopper to shoot ships he's touching (but they *are* able to shoot chopper)

    1. So I figured out my Zeb issue, but I ran into different problems with triple u-boats, where on their turn to fire, the dice rolls came up, but not the button to fire, so it blocked up the whole game

    2. I rewrote the way 2nd attacks were performed. This should correct this bug.
      For Zeb, the ship is so big that it's a bit difficult to select the unit touching it. You can select it in the panel on the left or right. Cheers !

  37. Swarm Tactics ist not correct. If multiple ships have it (e.g. Serissu and 3 Tansarii Point Veterans) it should be possible to daisy-chain it (Serissu passes PS8 to Tansarii #1, he passes his new PS8 to Tansarii #2 and so on).
    In my game, only Serissu was allowed to use the ability.

    1. Yes indeed. Swarm tactics had a kind of simple daisy chain effect, but not very robust. I corrected this, applying the effect by decreasing PS (taking into account previous swarms). Cheers !

  38. I keep running into a bug with the Ghost/Phantom title card, where the game doesn't allow me to take my end of combat phase attack with an equipped turret all the time.
    It's hit and miss, and might be because of Roark Garnet messing with Pilot skills (changing one friendly within 1-3 to PS12).

  39. Great job! I seem to be having an issue with Swarm Tactics, I can't assign my pilot skill to another ship.

  40. This is a great application!
    Keep up the good work! :-)

    I'm pretty confident that the AI will improve, as the app evolves...and to be honest: I've already played versus some X-Wing-Beginners, that didn't played any better (some bumping over here, some forgotten Actions over there, ...)

    Some bugs I found:

    - After Dengars ability the combat phase immediately comes to an end (even if there are ships, that haven't fired yet)

    - flying off an obstacle doesn't work as intended (you still lose actions and have to roll for damage, even if the maneuver-template doesn't overlap the obstacle this turn)

    - it seems like the conditions for attacking (firearc, range, obstructed, ...) will only be checked at the beginning of the combat-phase. When a ships Position gets changed during the combat-phase (e.g.: through a tractorbeam), this seems to have no effect.


  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Hi Denis,

    If if you choose 10 ten and choose ANY IG88 configuration the Fire Control Systems upgrade does not appear when that choice comes up. I can create a new IG88 with FCS and it works fine but it won't copy up from the top ten list. Thanks!

    1. Indeed ! Dash in FCS was not a dash character...Corrected.
      Cheers !

  43. I have a few bugs to report.

    - Sometimes red dice are shown but you can't resolve the shot and the firing phase is stuck. You have to klick next to go on then.
    - Dash can't perform actions while on asteroids like he should
    - Omega leader still keeps his evade after using it while having Comms relay
    - Juke seems to not work at all, you ahve to manually change the defenders result to a focus
    - Not sure if Chewbacca Crew proccs. My ship got destroyed without me having teh option of using him
    - Bossk pilot's ability does not work at all as it seems. Even while having a crit you have no option of using it.
    - Jake Farrel's pilot ability does not work correctly. If you choose barrel roll as a bonus action for focusing, he can't boost afterwards with PTL (afaik he should be able to)
    Agent Kallus sometimes didn't allow me to select a target at the beginning of a game. Then some other times he worked correctly.

  44. -With Brobots and Advanced Sensors/Predator, you sometimes get a second action after or before using adv. Sensors or moving (like with PTL)
    - When trying to perform a boost action, which is not possible, you still get an evade token.

  45. I keep getting an issue where Epsilon Leader's stress removing ability causes the game to be unable to proceed with combat. I have noticed the same style of bug occuring with Cool Hand.

    1. Indeed, corrected ! (for Epsilon Leader)

    2. It also occurs on the T70s as well.

  46. Nice interface and implementation. There seem to be a problem with allowing the turrets to fire for Ghost(Lothal Rebel) and Falcon(Chewy).

  47. Bugs report:

    - Cluster Missiles is doing one 4-die attack rather than two 3-die attacks;
    - C-3PO on the opponent (build: Chewbacca + Draw Their Fire + Recon Specialist + C-3PO) makes me choose to guess 0/1 evade, I choose 0 and the result has been one time 3 evades, one time 2 evades (both attacks at range 1 or 2), which is an outright impossible outcome. I think you should just let the AI get 1 automatic evade from C-3PO and skip the guessing part.

  48. I think R4-B11 (Scum Astromech) is broken. After dice are rolled it just seems to sit there, with no option to spend your target lock and select dice to be rerolled.

    1. This is a late reply: for R4-B11, the targeted unit makes the roll now. Evades results are automatically rerolled, and focus only if there is a focus token (still cannot choose which die to reroll). Cheers !

  49. Fabulous app!

    In version 0.8.7 the gui gets "stuck" a lot. I've played against a few different squads like the triple toilet seats and brobots and when it is the time for the computer ship to move it just sits there and does nothing.

    Also, crackshot is not working as it should. Crackshot option should be after the dice are all modified. I've noticed that if you crackshot, the defender then applies tokens and autothruster evades. this is not the way crackshot works.

    1. Hopefully this has been fixed with the new versions :-) For crackshot, it's been corrected too. Thanks !

  50. It seems the site hasn't been working correctly the past few days. For one, the asteroid options are gone. Two, games always get stuck a few turns in. I tried about a half-dozen times yesterday and I just tried it again after restarting my PC. Still not working.

    1. Yes, there was a bug with asteroid collision. Fixed !

  51. I think I found part of the conditions for it getting stuck. It seems to get stuck when the computer player goes over an asteroid. Might also need to be stressed to get it to lock up. The 0.8.6 version was quite good. Not sure why this one is so broken.

    Very nice app though.

  52. If you hit Escape (Esc) when it gets stuck it seems to let you go past it but it definitely gets hung at the point a ship goes over an obstacle and is denied an action.

  53. First, amazing job on this: an epic effort, so bravo! Just to confirm the report about sticking when an AI ship goes over an asteroid: I'm consistently seeing the same here. Ie: [Manaroo] unit or template overlaps obstacle: no action

  54. I was wondering if it would be possible to increase the squad point costs? My basic idea here is to give the AI an extra 10-20 points to try and make him more of a challenge.
    Also I notice that Palpatine has not been implemented - I assume this must be difficult but do you have an idea as to if this might be doable in the future?



  55. I just tried playing against 4 tie bombers with extra munitions, proton torps and concussion missiles. over 100 points.
    The game started fine. Round 2 his 2nd bomber flew over an asteroid and the game froze. Tired the exact same game a second time and exactly the same thing happened.

    1. I've been getting the same bug/game crash. Also, the games may crash if I have a start of combat ability trigger like Palob.

  56. My firend excelent work.

    Bute when a template pas for an obstacle (in the console "unit or template overlaps obstacle: no action") the game its gone down.

  57. This bug has been repeating itself constantly today, this was not happening before so if there has been a recent change that could be it.

  58. Just an FYI that the start of combat ability trigger bug/crash is still a problem.

  59. Dash Rendar don´t work corretrly, when he sit onto a obstacle and do a boost o roll action to get out the obstacle in the console apears that dash cannot attack on the combat fase

  60. TIE/D title causes all ships to spawn in top left corner. Makes game unplayable.

  61. AI for IG88's causes one of the ships to fly off the board for no reason by move 3 always, here is an example. Also, if possible don't trigger AI cards like Glitterstem when there are no attackers, it wastes a card and is always thrown on move 1.

  62. Unhinged Astromech is supposed to give all three speed moves green, it is only giving 1,2,3 straight and 3 - 90°'s, not the 45's or the 2 - 90°'s... all should be green..

    1. Hi Russ,
      hmmm, I can't manage to see this: on a Thug, it seems to work for me. Anything special on your Y-Wing?
      Cheers !

  63. Many thanks for your work!
    I've found a couple of bugs with the latest version.

    Firstly, when I chose different asteroids in deployment, one of the asteroid seemed to clone itself a couple of times. I moved two out of the field of play, but the game only recognised one of the three (which happened to be off the board). I didn't realise which one until I restarted the game and the additional asteroids vanished.

    Secondly, it appears that Assault Missiles bug out that rounds attacks. It does the appropriate splash damage, but not the damage from the actual attack and no-one who hasn't attacked yet (AI or Player) gets to attack. The munition isn't spent either. Happened all three times I used them.

    Lastly, playing against Tie-D Defenders, the AI doesn't use the cannon attack very much. Is there some way to get the AI to shoot their Ion/Flechette/Tractor Beams more often?

  64. Hey for some reason the game freezes after the planning phase if my phantom is cloaked.

    1. So, what are the upgrades of your phantom ? A plain Sigma squad, Echo, ... ? I've tried each one in turn and it seems to work for me, so I need more details about your configuration. Thanks !

    2. Same problem, Whisper cloaks in turn one, then game freezes after the planning phase of turn 2.

    3. Also having problems with Whisper. Load out is FCS,ACD,VI,and gunner.

    4. Yes...cloak is kind of broken.

      I've been running Shadow-Squadrons with Stygium-Accelerator. Game crashes everytime the phantoms are about to decloak.
      I think something is wrong, when the engine calculates/displays possible decloak-positions.

  65. I had a match with two VCX-100 with Autoblasters. They did not work on either ship. The icon appeared, but you could not select it. Also I had Torpedoes on board with Extra Munition. The second time I tried to fire them, no dice were rolled.

  66. Another issue:
    On version 0.8.9 after a game is finished, I'm not able to simply restart the match with the same squadrons. Whenever I hit the "restart"-button the game sets into the "replay-mode" and shows the last couple of turns.

    This was way better in version 0.8.7 -> One button to "restart/reset" the match...another button to show the replay.

  67. The AI option is no longer available now.

    Also the Kihraxz does not have a 3 turn.

    1. AI is chosen during setup now, not when building squads.

    2. Didn't notice that - thanks.

  68. Minor issue for later on when other more important things have been fixed but Bossk's ability does not work and doesn't give you the option of working. He should be able to change 1 crit result into 2 hits if the attack got through.

  69. There's a small problem with tractor beam - if it hits a small ship, you don't have the option to NOT move the ship.

  70. The option to choose human/computer is not showing up anymore.

    1. If you select the teams and then go to the next page, you will see at the top both are listed as Human. If you click on this you can change whichever one you want to Computer. It is no longer on the original page where you select the teams.

    2. If you select the teams and then go to the next page, you will see at the top both are listed as Human. If you click on this you can change whichever one you want to Computer. It is no longer on the original page where you select the teams.

  71. Nobody is able to shoot after the first ship when Draw Their Fire is on a ship or activates.

  72. Somehow my game got stuck at the beginning of the Combat Phase after Manaroo did her thing:

    1. Can confirm this:
      Whenever Manaroo passes a Target-Lock-Token to a friendly ship the game crashes.

    2. Great work, I simply love the benchmark.
      I can confirm Manaroo's problem with target-lock tokens; he passes focus tokens then the game crashes

  73. Whenever an AI ship with prockets moves, it locks up during the point where it should take an action and gets stuck. Saw this with tie advanced prototype and awing so far so i think it is related to proton rockets(prockets)

  74. Only one squadron showing for me on firefox.

  75. There seems to be an issue with assault missiles:
    1. They deal no damage (neither to the target nor any ships in range 1)
    2. After a ship has fired an assault missile, no other ships from that squad can fire.

    1. I am confirming I have seen this behaviour as well. After shooting assault missiles, the game will hang.

  76. Great work!
    Here two problems I met playing vs. AI:
    1) TLTs on Scum Y-wings don't fire the 2nd shot; attack dice and graphic effect appear but there are no defense dice and no button to resolve...the only thing you can do is clicking next and pass to planning in the subsequent turn
    2) Wampa doesn't attack, only defense dice appear and no "done" button
    This problems always occur when TLTs and Wampa are used by the AI...I used TLTs in a game and sometimes they work, sometimes they have the same problem.

    Thanks in any case for the benchmark it is really a good resource to evaluate lists.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. It doesn't seem to save my builds anymore.
    Further - would it be possible to have a user account to save our builds to? I realize this would require a login system, but I access this site from multiple different machines and they don't carry over.

  79. AI does not fire. Is this a bug?

    1. I noticed the same issue. AI does not fire anymore and when I fire with my Y-Wing (TLT, R3-A2, BTL-A4 Title) I am not getting a the second attack after the primary weapon attack.

  80. Thane Kyrell's ability is not working correctly right now. Right now he is getting another action when a friendly ship in his arc attacks, it should be that he gets an action when an enemy ship in arc at range 1-3 attacks another friendly ship.

  81. The ability for the pilot Nera Dantels doesn't work. BTW a really great app to test squadron !

  82. Right now it freezes up as soon as the AI player finishes a maneuver.

  83. Thane's ability is still working incorrectly.

  84. Is there any way to play as a straight death match instead of ending after max 15 turns?

  85. Boost, barrel roll, and decloaking are not working at the moment.

  86. Will we see Huge ships in the future?

  87. Appears some 'system' upgrades not working :( I noticed specifically advanced targeting computer on darth and sensor jammer on guri so might just be when title card allows system??

  88. Love this helps me practice when there is no one in my area to play...anyway... I have notice that multiples of the same bomb(even with extra munitions)are not recognized but one time. ex: in my build, I have a ship with 3 of the same bomb and the other with extra munitions....I can only drop one bomb each.

  89. Heavy Scyk interceptors never have their cannon equiped in benchmark :<

  90. Has to be a bug but not for sure how many are affected by this...I just created a 2 Scum firespray list. multiple bombs (and/or the titles) and the extra munitions are not recognized when I start the game. I REALLY would like to practice with these ships...I will create a imperial firespray list to see if the issue is just with scum or what..i will update you in a few minutes

    1. update... looks like a Firespray bug...the jumpmaster ships use extra munitions just fine. Can the firesprays get the needed fix soon?

  91. Is cloaking device and Sensor jammer not working as well? I have these upgrades on Guri (Star Viper) and it does not recognize them. It subtracts the upgrade as soon as I try to start with my 100pt list.

  92. I am making a scum firespray list, when I click 'next' I am just returned to the home page with no squad loaded in the squad boxes.

    1. OK I checked this.

      If you click 'New' in the farthest top right corner the list will not load. However, if you click 'new' within the squad box the squad will load.


  93. When making a list, as soon as it appears on the box of the homepage it subtracts some of the upgrades (usually the ones that add another icon to the card. I.E: Push the limit, B-WIng/E2, etc).

  94. When making lists with upgrades that provides additional slots (TIE Shuttle or Sabine f.e.), they dissapears when playing it.

    Thanks for The Great Job

  95. Just noticed...while using the YV-666 Bossk Pilot...the system does not give me the option for Bossk pilot ability (cancel 1 crit result to add 2 hit results instead)

  96. I wonder if this have been reported but emperor palpatine continues to change blanks even after being destroyed

  97. Are you still developing this at all? If not, would you be open to open-sourcing it for the community? It is a SUPER popular option to test out sqauds and I can't seem to test out my latest one :(

  98. I've seen some fail on tractor beam and some pilot effects (wampa IGNORES SHIELDS, Pipiolo's power can't be used by academy pilots, etc.). Asteroids are free-to-place anywhere and multiple potions for special movements (like barrel roll or Navigator) are impossible to play from a tablet or smartphone. Despite of all, this app is really GREAT, if you could enable customized sessions with mail accounts, and a player finder for multi-player game it could even be more played than the raw game.

  99. When i equip the tractor beam on a ship the upgrade disappear in the placement phase, so i can't utilize it in the match! :/

  100. Denis hasn't made any changes and hasn't responded to any form of contact. I hope he is okay. I have forked the project and changed the name in case he decides to start again. My forked project can be found at The relevant links have been updated to my own links that point to my blog, etc. i have fixed a bunch of bugs so please try out my version before you post new bugs on my blog.

    1. VERY Awesome! I was hoping someone would do this - I wasn't aware it was open-source! Thanks very much!!!

  101. The Extra munitions upgrade doesn't want to work properly in Microsoft edge.

    Also Bossk cannot alter dice to increase his dice pool when changing criticals(C) into hits(H).

    eg: HHC cannot become HHHH

  102. Hey Ynot, do you have any news from him? It's awesome that someone continues the work. but i really hope Denis is ok.

    1. Yes he is Okay. I have forked the app myself and we are trying to figure out how to move forward as I have a few folks helping me out. What I'm trying to do is have all of us including Denis working together to move this forward.

  103. SO do you mean the adventure will continue here or on your web adress?

  104. Not sure if this is supposed to be here; Conner Net looks not giving 2 ions; Sabine is not working with Conner Net as well (gives 1 dmg only - maybe Conner is broken and Sabine gives 1 dmg but no dmg from Conner Net, who knows)

  105. Another thing I saw is that if Dash goes on top of asteroid and Barrels Roll out of it he is not able to attack

  106. Bugg when ion assigned. Next turn it don't want move.
    Bad use "crack shot"
    IA a little more stupid ;-)

  107. Still a great app, but the bugs are not getting adressed so that playing gets more and more impossible. I prefer Ynot's fork, who does not implement stuff as early, but at least it's playable.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. How does tractor beam works ? I tractored one of the my opponents ships with my quadjumper. He got a tractor beam token and then nothing. Could not reposition him, could not skip to next ship/phase. the game was blocked :(

  110. Denis - in the new upgrades.js file, your definition of Torpedo is wrong in the UPGRADE_TYPES const. You have Torpedo:TORPEDO and it should be Torpedo:"torpedo" - this is causing anything with a torpedo to fail to parse properly and you can't run the build in combat. I think there is still something wrong with the Makefil as I wasn't able to have a clean run after I fixed this on my local clone so I'm not going to push it to the repo. You'll have to fix it yourself for right now.

    1. Denis - I was able to correct the issue with the makefile(sass on my end) and then was able to push the upgrades.js fix so it is working now. this also fixed the display of the latest squads as they were failing to parse properly too.

  111. Can't seem to equip an M3A Interceptor with heavy syck and mangler cannon - the game freezes after loading the map screen.

  112. Combat Mode doesn't work anymore when loaded in Chrome. There are no obstacles, the opponent ships are not being listed in the righthand column and all ships are initially placed in the top left corner of the map.

    On top of it all, the combat mode freezes after the first computer operated ship has moved.


    1. Microsoft Edge is showing the same behaviour!

  113. R3-A2 got me into an infinate loop of R3-A2, Firing, R3-A2, etc...

  114. It appears that Crack Shot is showing up as an option for the opposing player when he shoots, instead of the other way around as it should be.

  115. Hot Shot Co-Pilot was still being activated after destroying the ship carrying it:

  116. Kylo Ren (crew) and R4 Agromech are having problems. Kylo action appears as a n option, but then nothing happens, and then you have to hit esc until the next turn begins.

    R4 Agromech works fine for a human player, but the AI locks up when trying to proc it.

  117. Is this still receiving updates?

  118. Taking a SLAM action with the K-Wing should give me the option (before actually performing the maneuver) to drop a Seismic Charge as this counts as "reveling your maneuver dial."

  119. After rolling two Focus results with Lando Calrissian, Recon Specialist allows me to change both of those Focus results into Evade results while Recon Specialist is limited to only "Once per round."

  120. Not sure this app is still update...

  121. Not sure this app is still update...

  122. This app appears to no longer be supported and/or no longer being developed. Look for other options such as this one:

  123. If my pilot is Tomax Bren, who allows one to flip a discarded Elite upgrade card, how do I do that here?
