Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Special Ops Training and better user interface

The version 0.8.10 is out, with some bug corrections, better user interface and a first wave 9 unit !

New units
With its new dial revealed by FFG, the TIE/sf can now be played in Squadron Benchmark. All pilots are without ability, therefore Quickdraw and Backdraft are like expensive Zeta specialists so far. Among the new Wave 9 upgrades,  the following ones are now working:
  • Vectored Thrusters,
  • Tail Gunner, 
  • R3 Astromech, 
  • Sensor Cluster,
  • Special Ops Training.

User Interface and new Functionalities
For the interface, most of you have seen now that the AI/Player selector is on the setup screen: You can select which side is played by the AI and you right before the combat. The advantage now is that you can play again the same combat, switching sides.

There are now a "Back"  and a "Home" buttons. "Back" returns to the planning phase of the previous turn. Going back multiple times is possible, until the initial setup or the starting screen. Home just goes to the starting screen. Actually, the "Back" button is a good way for submitting bugs: When you find a bug or erroneous behavior, just go back, it creates a permalink with the state of the game. You can then post the link in this blog, telling me what were your actions in the last turn and I'll be able to reproduce exactly your bug.

Drag & Drop an image in this window to change your avatar
In the setting menu (the gear icon), you can select your name and put a nice avatar picture, just drag&drop a picture in the window shown below, or use the "Load" button. So far, there is no use of it, you will just have the pleasure to see your name, instead of a generic "Player" and your icon. Soon, this will be saved with your games, so other players will be able to search/see the combats you have done.

Finally, there's now a way to capture tabletop  setups into Squadron Benchmark.  Take a topview picture of your table, make it square, correct distortions if any, and use the "Import setup image" button. For instance, I've captured a picture of the setup for the X-Wing World Championship 2015, Paul Heaver vs Nathan Eide. I've corrected the distortion due to the camera and now it's easy to place the unit and asteroids in the same location as in the real setup ! This background image disappears when you move to the planning phase. 
Initial setup for the final of the World Championship'15

Tell me if you use this feature or if you would like to extend this in order to record tabletop games !

Bug corrections
Well, I'm a bit late in answering your bug reports of the last month. I've captured some of them and corrected some bugs:
  • Manaroo, transfers correctly its tokens
  • Proton Torpedoes now are working
  • Some criticals from the two core sets have the same names but not the same effect. Implemented.
  • Long-range scanners condition checking is now ok
  • R4-B11 corrected
  • Maarek Steel Defender cost corrected 
  • Crack shot activation corrected
  • Garven  + Jan Ors (crew): replacing focus is not removing focus token.
  • Wampa effect occurs at compare step
  • Shaken pilot + ionized: corrected
  • Conner net: 1 damage, always (was random)
and probably a few other minor corrections. However, the recent rule changes, concerning the timing of the attacks, is not yet functional. Old rules still apply.

 As usual, you are most welcome to leave comments or bug reports, and if you use Squadron Benchmark and like it, feel free to donate !
Cheers !