Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Better display (part 2)

Here is the second part concerning information display, mostly thanks to your comments !

  • When creating squads, the information on each squad has been reorganized: all stats are more clearly displayed on the left, on the right you can destroy the unit (cross), duplicate it (when non unique) or see its dial (arrow). When you add an upgrade, you can see now a longer list of items, corresponding to the upgrades. Finally, the points shown near the pilot name include the cost of all the upgrades given to the ship. 

  • Asteroids: when you have created or selected a squad, you can associate to it 3 asteroids. Just click on the "Asteroid" button and the following sub-window will open. Select 3 asteroids. The next time you select the same squad, it will come with the same asteroids (only works with squads that are not among the Top 10 or Prebuilt). You can change multiple times of course. Coming soon: debris cloud...

  • Damage deck: In the settings, choose the damage deck you wish to use. The new criticals are implemented, feel free to experiment ! You can now loose a stabilizer, have a major explosion, a major hull breach, all weapons failure or the pilot may be shaken.
  • Bigger buttons in the "Manage squad" table.
  • R4 Agromech action now triggers during combat, and you can choose first to add a target lock or not (red target lock), and then to consume this target lock, in the same attack. 
  • A better way to select your background for the combat. This has no impact on the combat, it's just for having a change from the black background ! The two special maps, including the one with  the DeathStar trench, have been removed (temporarily). BTW, who has tried them ?? Do you want maps for scenarios, for testing a squad agility, training your skill in maneuvering or just the plain maps ? Please, give your opinion in the comments below.

  • Better compression for background images, reduced size for icons, removal of unnecessary displayed areas, loading of the only sound effects concerning the squads that are in combat. All this should speed up the loading time (hopefully). 
  • Finally, when you play the combat, the maneuvers of the AI are not revealed before their turn. This way, you cannot adapt your move or maneuver, before the enemy move occurs.
In addition to these modifications, the Top 10 list has been updated (manually) according to the Miniranker web site, and the battlelog has been updated to include the most recent battles. The battles are stored by pages of 2000 battle records, and now there are 4000+ battles available through battle logs ! 


  1. Very nice, just came across this app yesterday. A big thumbs up to you!
    One tiny thing, though (not sure if you are aware): BB8 seems to be bugged. I put him on Poe Dameron, together with PTL. But Poe never was able to move at all. It seemed as if the user interface couldn't handle the possible barrel roll instead of the maneuver.

    1. Corrected ! BB8 had a bug in its management of possible ionization effects...

  2. This just gets better and better. Awesome!

    1. Thanks, it improves thanks to your feed backs and encouragements !

  3. I agree with the earlier post: this keeps getting better! Thank you!

    Now a comment: I haven't tried the two special maps, although I was intrigued by them. Are there special rules or text for them? I would like scenario maps, but without the text of special rules nearby they will be difficult to use. Agility-training maps would be very useful also!

    Now a bug: Poe + BB-8 + Push the Limit won't allow a free Barrel Roll upon reveal of a green maneuver when Poe is stressed. This makes sense but seems to contradict current rules interpretations. It may be a bug in human rules interpretation rather than your software! It should be examined, though.

    1. The Poe/BB8/PTL "bug" was my mistake, not yours! It is functioning properly. Sorry!

  4. You are doing a great job!

    I feel almost bad for posting this many bullets, but you seem to like feedback in order to improve this already awesome tool, so here you go:

    * Therminal Detonators should be 3 pts not 2.

    * Sabine Wren crew is not causing an extra damage.

    * Ships using Advanced sensors to perform an action before they move will also be able to perform an action after they move.

    * Sometimes I cannot use my advanced sensors (even though I am not stressed).

    * Kanan Jarrus crew is not used (note that you also should be able to use this on yourself).

    * Something has happened to the asteroid range bands scale (at set up). They are now much less than 1 range each.

    * Kavil with "Genius" could perform an action even after bumping.

    * Deathrain (with Advanced Sensors) does not Drop bomb before moving (but you can press the drop bomb button). Then after your movement and actions the bomb will drop (and if you pressed the bomb button several times, several bombs will drop), and then you can perform your extra barrel roll (and tries to perform a barrel roll for each of those bombs dropped). Deathrain was also equipped with advanced sensors if that helps debugging. While it is super fun to drop 10 proton bombs at the same spot, it is also quite illegal according to the rules :)

    * According to the log, intimidation triggers several times for each move (but it still gives only -1 agility). This may be a little confusing.

    * Choose better contrast of the chosen maneuver. If the set of maneuvers is above the side panel, it is nearly impossible to see which maneuver is chosen.

    * It is confusing when a ship has the opportunity to perform an action or other choice and you instead select another ship. The action/other choice appears to follow to the new selected ship. Although, if you click on an action/other choice it is still performed by the original (correct) ship.

    * Adaptability shouldn’t be 2 different cards in my opinion. You should instead choose which side to use when deploying. Since your tool does not really handle a strict set-up maybe you can make the choice at the start of the first activation phase instead, or something similar.

    1. Thanks for the report ! Don't feel bad about it :-)
      For the bugs, it's nearly all corrected. The timing for advanced sensor actions/free roll due to death rain is inversed: drop bomb > adv. sensor > free roll where it should be drop bomb > free roll > adv. sensor.

  5. An additional bug,

    After using SLAM on a ship with Advanced SLAM I couldn't deploy a Conner Net and was only offered TL and focus

    1. Corrected ! Indeed, I forgot to take this case into account. Cheers !

  6. New bug:
    This squad is not completing in the "Squad Build" section. When I enter the squad and press "Next," the box remains blank.
    TIE Defender: · Colonel Vessery (35)
    Veteran Instincts (1)
    Twin Ion Engine Mk. II (1)
    TIE/x7 (-2)
    TIE Avanced Prototype: · The Inquisitor (25)
    Push The Limit (3)
    Proton Rockets (3)
    Autothrusters (2)
    TIE/v1 (1)
    TIE/fo Fighter: · "Omega Leader" (21)
    Juke (2)
    Shield Upgrade (4)
    Comm Relay (3)

    1. Corrected, there was a bug for TIE/x7 and TIE/shuttle (losing upgrades).

  7. Cant get a Defender x/7 to show up in the set-up screen after the squad build.

  8. "unit.getdial.unwrap is not a function"
    mostly crashes the game

    1. Ah, I need some context. How does it happen and what is the squad list you used ? Maybe a "Damage engine" critical removed ? Thanks !

  9. Couple things.

    Kanan Jarus' Pilot ability is not able to be used.

    Sometimes it gets stuck on when the AI ship is firing, not giving the dice results and no way forward except to skip the combat step all together.

  10. Oh and the upgrade cards on the Phantom are not active when it is docked on the Ghost. I have Intel Agent on a Phantom and it keeps asking to reveal a dial even though it is still docked.

    Great app BTW!

  11. First off, amazing job man! This is so good! The AI is "simple" as you put it. But good enough to play around with. I'd love to see smarter AI in the future. But I'm not sweating you on it.

    One question and one bug I found.
    Do you think you will ever make this an android app? That would make my life complete! =D
    And second, when corran horn does his double tap, it allows you to shoot any ship regardless of range or arc.
    Again, thanks for this beautiful app!

    1. I use it in a web browser on my android device. It works fine. The browser I use is called CM browser (rotated in landscape) for this since I can't get chrome use full screen.

    2. Thanks for the encouragement!
      For the android app, I need to find an android tablet to test. As Hinny said, the CM browser seems to work in the meanwhile.
      Cheers !

  12. I don't see Zeta Leader (TIE f/o) in the squad building selection.

    1. I'm also getting a "fail to set up properly" (squad all piles into the corner, opposing squad doesn't set up, no asteroids visible) error with this squad:
      Blue Ace + BB8
      Warden Squadron + Twin Laser Turret + Extra Munitions + C-3PO + Proximity Mines + Seismic Charges
      Nera Dantels + Deadeye + Extra Munitions + Flechette Torpedoes + Guidance Chips

    2. Ok for both, Zeta leader was missing and seismic charge had a small bug preventing the list to deploy. Thanks !

  13. seams every time i use the ghost and put out the shuttle it freezes cant do anything after wards

  14. First of all, great Job! Its really good! But I found 2 mistakes:
    It allows Dash to attack when he stands on an asteroid. This is incorrect.
    When you use tractor beam and put the enemy ship on an asteroid it doesn't roll any dice for damage.

  15. cant find ion projektor for mod-slot

  16. This is a superb tool, especially if it was done single-handedly. Typing with a single hand can take a long time... :D

    Hera's pilot ability does not seem to trigger in the movement phase. Navigator works just fine, but I can't switch from one red to another, say.

  17. Great job! Thanks for your work and enthusiasm!

    If found two bugs:
    Chopper doesn't let you make actions while you are stressed.
    Sometimes I couldn't fire at all with my U-Boats although there where the icons fotr PW and torps, I had a Focus and Dead Eye and there were targets in range. Weird.

  18. Game keeps crashing at the same time, at least twice in a row. I was running 2 green a-wings, with deadeye, crackshot, clusters and title, with 2 z-95s with concussions, guidance chip and Blount with Adaptability and S-thread XX23 tracers. I was playing against a triple u-boat list, computer controlled. All had deadeye, plasma torps, extra munitions and R4.

    1. Ok, R4 and AI were bugged from recent modification. R4 now corrected to avoid the crash, but you cannot use anymore the TL during the same attack...

    2. That's the thing, the AI won't necessarily listen to me if I tell it so... ;-)

  19. Another little bug. Whisper and Echo both had an ACD and they were not recloaking after their attacks. It made for quite an easy game.

    1. ACD is working when played by a human (button appearing). When played by the AI, the AI handles very badly cloaking actions...

  20. Maybe it's just me but every time I face the Brobots list, the Aggressors roll nearly full evades on defense 99% of the time, well above average probability

    1. Ah, yes, one of the reason is that we don't see the origin roll of the AI. The AI modifies its roll with evades, focus, rerolls and then it is displayed. So the number of evades for a defense is generally way higher than what would be obtained from a vanilla roll.

  21. Wow! This thing is incredible! Thanks for your great work!

    If you are looking for feedback:
    I noticed issues in the sequencing of Jake Farells ability (can't barrell roll on PTL focus)
    Also you only seem to get one chance to select Jan Ors evade (even if you choose focus, no one else gets the option)
    Also I was unable to use Dashs actions on an asteroid

    Hope this helps!!!! Love this thing :)

  22. [BUG REPORT] Something weird going on in this game:

    o Combat Phase ends as soon as the first hit is scored. No more attacks may be made after that point.
    o Ships are not destroyed when brought to 0 hull until the following round.

    1. Ok, this seems to have been corrected, at least for the 1st item. The tinyurl game works till the end. Some ships resist at 0 hull and indeed are destroyed in the following round. No solved yet.

  23. Hi,
    Thanks for the bug report! As this is a late answer, all has been corrected :-). Thanks for promoting the app on your web site. I'm not German speaking but I've added German translation for cards, hope this helps. If you know someone willing to translate the criticals, the ui or the console messages in German, feel free to send me a message :-)
    Cheers !

  24. Noticing consistent issues with game locking up when Manaroo passes TLs to Dengar...focus passing seems fine, just TLs
