Saturday, June 20, 2015

New version 0.5: AI player, bombs !

This version 0.5 has significantly more features than the previous one:
  • An AI player ! The AI player moves and fires primary weapon, trying to keep contact with the enemy units. The AI is simple, best to use it with non unique pilots.
  • Bombs: seimic and proton bombs are working. No proximity mines yet ! (need to take a photo...)
  • Plenty of pilots: 115 pilots out of 123 have their effect encoded in the app
  • Bomb dropped from an Y-Wing
  • Plenty of upgrades: 91/133 upgrades with special effects ! 

What's coming in next versions ?

Well, I can put new features but feel free to leave a comment on this page if you want some other features !


  1. The program is awesome!
    I have tested it as much as I can, but most often, the AI player gets stuck and stops moving.
    For example, I start a game Computer vs Computer, with just 1 TIE Fighter Academy pilot each, and they don't move or anything.
    However, I played some games where de AI player does move for a few turns, then freezes.
    I really hope you go on with this.

    1. Thanks! I've made a bug correction, it should work better now.
      Cheers !

  2. Marvellous!
    Just one issue - when I have a craft at the bottom-centre of the screen, the dialogue box overlays and obscures access to the movement menu, so I cannot access most of of the available move options. Nor can I find a way of moving the dialogue box.

    1. Yes, I have no solution so far, apart from changing the font of the browser (ctrl-+/- in firefox). It moves thinks a bit and it can help.
      Cheers !

    2. The version 0.6.1 solves this problem of display: you can now move and zoom the area, in order to get a better view :-)

  3. Having a ball with this!

    Another issue I've noticed: one cannot simultaneously exploit Focus *and* the innate Re-roll ability when using Advanced Proton Torpedo.

    If you click on the former *first* and the latter *second*, any 'Focus' results gained from the torpedo re-roll don't automatically change to Hits.

    If you click the latter *first* and gain Focus results, the game engine no longer offers the Focus option as a way of converting those Focus results into Hits.

    Hope that's clear.

  4. Thanks ! It's corrected now, you can use modifiers one after the other.
    Cheers !

  5. Awesome work! This is excellent for play-testing. Thank you for putting so much effort into it.

    Here are some glitches that i came across:

    - Proton Rockets : The Focus token should not be spent to use the Rockets. (the card reads « Attack Focus »)

    - Decloaking at the BEGINING of Activation phase (before lower PS ship) make the game Stall. While decloaking just before the ship’s movement works, it’s now against the rules.

    - Adv. Cloaking Device appears not to be working, is it also possible to make it optional?

    - Target Lock should be available to use when using Gunner + Fire Control System (TL should be acquired just before Gunner triggers)

    - Having the Gunner's attack dice appears in front of the defending ship instead of keeping them near the attacking ship like normal attacks seem a bit confusing.

    - Chiraneau does not seem to convert an EYE result into a CRIT result even though i click on the icon.

    Thanks again!!

    1. Thanks for the feed-back ! The latest release 0.6 has not yet corrected this bugs I think, but this will come soon :-)

  6. at the moment computer player hangs the ap for em

  7. Great work mate!
    I found a couple of bugs:
    - it seems like at the moment the Navigator crew upgrade doesn't work
    - sometimes even making green manouvers doesn't remove stress tokens

    Keep your work, this is a great tool for all of us!

    1. Oh, and sometimes when a ship overlaps another and there's very little space to maneuver, the overlapped ship is blown away to the top left corner of the play area, without chance of moving, shooting or being shot... I tried a match against the AI with some TIEs and 4 A-Wings and i managed to stack up there one A and two TIEs! ;)

    2. Thanks for your feed back ! For the bug concerning a ship moving to the top left corner, I've seen it but I'm still stuck with it. For the others, it should be easier to correct.
      Cheers !
