Tuesday, September 20, 2016

New T-70, YT-1300 and TIE pilots in v0.9.1

Galaxy's Greatest 

The Galaxy's Greatest news from FFG has presented a few additional pilots and upgrades for T-70 X-Wing. They are now in Squadron Benchmark v0.9.1 and working!
Jess Pava
Here are the unique Heroes of Resistance pilots in Squadron Benchmark:
  • Nien Nunb (T-70)
  • 'Snap' Wexley (T-70)
  • Jess Pava (T-70)
  • Sabine (TIE Fighter). I assume here her TIE has the same dial as other TIE Fighters
  • Han Solo (YT-1300): no real effect in Squadron Benchmark, as you can place your units wherever you want anyway. You can still experiment with it though. 
  • Chewbacca (YT-1300)
  • Rey (YT-1300)
    Sabine's TIE unofficial picture
For the upgrades, the following ones have been tested:
  • Smuggling Compartement
  • Burnout Slam
  • Finn
  • Rey
  • Millenium Falcon (new title)
  • Sabine's Masterpiece
  • Black One
  • Primed Thrusters
For Snap Shot, M9-G8 and Pattern Analyzer, you can build your squads with them but they have no effect yet in the combat simulator.

Bug corrections and improvements

Several bugs have been corrected: disactivated upgrades during play are indeed desactivated during play,  when an IG-88 dies with an IG-2000 title, other IG-88s lose its capacity. The same applies for wide range capacities, affecting many units. Many bugs fixed concerning disactivation of upgrades...

The % of chance to hit that are displayed now when you  display a weapon firing arc are only taking into account one attack (for normal weapons) and two attacks (for Cluster Missile and Twin Laser Turret). Effects of possible additional attack, with Gunner or TIE/D are not shown any longer.

Now when creating a squad, the filter has a "search" entry: You can type any text that will be search in  the pilot's names and their capacity text. For instance, you can search for "stress" to find all pilots that have an effect related to stress. The same for "additional attack" for additional attack die.

As usual, feel free to leave a comment here, report a bug, ... or donate (top right menu) :-)

Cheers !